Maybe a quality handgun is what an assailant wants to sell to his criminal buddy. Yours might be just the ticket. With the types of carry systems available from folks like elite survival there is no reason anyone should open carry. That does not wear a uniform.Not asking, and previously I felt the same. Now, I have very few options to imminent threat. I hope seeing that I carrying a quality handgun will discourage any BS but if I have to protect myself or my wife, I can't physically. Nor could I retreat effectively other than making some space. I would not be one of the guys on tv showing some old guy with a hand cannon shooting up bingo parlor because he felt threatened. I also (as John Wayne said in one of his movies) not going to just lay there and bleed.
I'm in a place with less choices. Maybe I'll have more, but right now I'm still responsible for my wife and my well being.
This is just my view and means jack.