Gop 2012

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GOP 2012 Presidency

  • Sarah Palin

    Votes: 29 26.1%
  • Bobby Jindal

    Votes: 13 11.7%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 11 9.9%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Michael Steele

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 45.9%

  • Total voters


Special Hen
Sep 9, 2005
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on the outskirts of crazytown


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Where's the birth certificate? The certificate of live birth? Was he born, or was he hatched? Time will tell. Is he the left half of a single celled organism? nobody knows for sure. Time will tell.


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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I never thought I'd say so but I long for the sane Republicans of yester year.
I think that's pretty much the sentiment all the way around these days.

Spreading outright lies about the President of the United States is an extremely un-American thing to do.
Now wait a minute....
Gun control-Chicago-Registration-hadgun ban-Illinois
Are those things not "un-American"? :anyone:

Newts old news. He can't win the big election.
Are you saying he's Boomer Newt?

I haven't yet seen anyone who has what it takes to run a successful race in 2012; hopefully, within a year or so, someone will step up and grab the brass ring
But then again, what's the ol' saying....?
"Hope in one hand and **** in the other..."

Newt needs to pull his britches up, turn his cap around, and get a job.

I guess we need someone who has no background but can influence many people into doing stupid things.
Charlie Manson?
I'm pretty sure that's already been covered this time 'round.

BTW, Palin voters.............. please. Dont make us lose another 4 years.

The moderate republicans just need to come out of the closet and call yourselves democrats like they really are.
Every now and then the boy makes sense...

Help a youth understand here... whats a moderate republican? who would be the moderate republican candidates? why would the party want a moderate to lead? and as a corollary to that, how would a moderate republican help win in 2012?
Agree....and as already mentioned: "moderate" got us Obama.

The conservative GOP has lost there own way, the true freedom loving citizens who still think the Bill of Rights is our reasoning that gives the government its limited power from the governed, does not want another moderate, and to further corollate it can not help only hinder us more.
Well, the "true freedom loving citizens who still think the Bill of Rights is our reasoning that gives the government its limited power from the governed" not withstanding, the people just can't respect half-assed.
Trying to please too many people without standing up for any hard convictions is not something that the GOP voters are big fans of.
If McCain woulda' grown some real balls, he *might* be sitting in there today despite his past record.

My money is on OBAMA

Wow,did you cut and paste that straight from the Daily Kos, Huffington Post,, or did that come from the hourly Rom Emanuel news letter update????
Does it really matter tho'? The content still rings true.
IMO, that is.
And now for something completely different.......

Cut your own hair... it is free.
[Broken External Image]


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Wow- you guys really think that woman is the most qualified person for the job?

She couldn't even handle a full term as governor. Also, she couldn't name a single magazine she reads or a single Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade.

You Obamanites just love to spin don't you? On the day of the election just exactly what had Nobama actually done, ran, or managed other than a campaign? Name one single thing in the real world outside of college.

Sarah had ran a city and a state. If you want to talk about qualifications it could be argued that she was the most qualified of all the Presidential AND Vice Presidential candidates.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
So much of what I would have said has already been said by others. But, I will still add a little.

Moderate Republicans = Democrat light (Where in the book store is the category of books for "Great Republican Moderates" that have become great in anything other than being wimpy. (George H.W. Bush started good, but became wimpy.)

As for, Mike Huckabee, he served more as a "lackey" for John McCain by attacking Mitt Romney on his religious views when it was obvious that he (Huckabee) couldn't get selected as the Presidential candidate for the Republicans.

I have known about Sarah Palin before she was chosen as the Vice-Presidential candidate. Personally, I think that she is more of a viable candidate than many others. AND, when it comes down to it, she is a lot brighter than many think. Especially more so than the media and Letterman.

Oh, and I also have ONE MORE gripe against Obama. It is because of him (and the rest of the Democratic Party) that weapons and ammo prices are so high.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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You Obamanites just love to spin don't you? On the day of the election just exactly what had Nobama actually done, ran, or managed other than a campaign? Name one single thing in the real world outside of college.

Sarah had ran a city and a state. If you want to talk about qualifications it could be argued that she was the most qualified of all the Presidential AND Vice Presidential candidates.

I believe he had previously described himself as a Paulite/Paultard/(insert your favorite slang for Ron Paul supporter here) in this thread.

As for Palin, she really nothing more than a political stunt; a poorly planned and executed atempt to simultaneously attract conservatives, biblethumpers, and ex-Hillary supporters to McCain's ticket. Let's be honest now, of ALL of the candidates in the GOP primaries, was McCain, really your first choice for the GOP ticket? I'll bet he wasn't even you second, and possibly not your third either. McCain was the type of candidate who really appealed to no particular GOP voting block, but actually managed to discourage a few as well. Palin was a ditch effort attempt to make up for McCain's shortcomings, and was no where near ready for the major leagues. Given a few mor terms on the smaler stage, and she may have made a wonderful candidate (though one w would still not get my vote), but for petels sake, the only SCOTUS case she could name as important to her was Roe v. Wade. I can name half a dozen and speak at length about them, and I am neither a politician, nor a lawyer. Seeing as I am typing all of this on a cell phone, I will pick this thread up on a PC later if appropriate. Mull this over for now and I'll get back to you later


Special Hen
Jun 19, 2009
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You Obamanites just love to spin don't you? On the day of the election just exactly what had Nobama actually done, ran, or managed other than a campaign? Name one single thing in the real world outside of college.

-Sponsored and accrued bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws in Illinois, 1996-97
-Initiated welfare reform and increased funding for childcare, 1998
-Led Illinois democrats in support of Republican governor Ryan's bill targeting predatory lending practices in order to stave off home foreclosures, 2001
-Served as chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee, 2003
-Sponsored and led bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained, and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations, 2003 (this legislation was lauded by police officials state-wide)

That's just a summarized list of his actions as a state Senator. For a list of his sponsored legislative acts as a US Senator, you can read Wikipedia:

Then again, I'm sure you'll come up with some ex post facto qualifier that makes all of these accomplishments "not count". Discussing politics with some people is like playing freeze tag with 4th graders. Also, I'm not an "Obamanite". I voted for Ron Paul. I just love to watch people do mental gymnastics to justify their BS attacks on the President.

Sarah had ran a city and a state. If you want to talk about qualifications it could be argued that she was the most qualified of all the Presidential AND Vice Presidential candidates.

Obama's campaign staff was much larger than the entire city of Wasilla and also, Obama's campaign was arguably one of the most successful political campaigns in American history. Sarah Palin whisked into an Alaska power vacuum and then proceeded to quit the job. Where I come from, when you quit something that means you've failed at it.

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