About how old is this kid? Just something to consider... no reflection on your daughter.. I'm just speaking in generality. Nightly togetherness for hours at a time can turn youthfull friendship or puppy love into passionate love for some young people. In the extreme, are you prepared to have this kid as a son-in-law and / or the unmarried father of a grandchild? Also, at some point this kid may want a key in order to come & go as he pleases.. you prepared to have your daughter give a troubled kid the key to your home? I'd date a woman a long time before I would ever trust her enough to give her a key and the run of my home... you might unknowingly be doing that for a troubled kid you know virtually nothing about. You need to go into this with both eyes wide-open! A guy I know just let a 23 year old woman he'd known for years move into his home because she was down on her luck. He came home from work last Friday and found she had stolen several thousand $'s worth of his things and taken off.