This sums up all my Gun World experiences right there. Having a lot of knowledge of firearms and their history myself I go in there when I'm bored on my lunch break to get my kicks. I once asked to look at an AK and the guys hands me an SKS. I said "No, the AK right there with the polymer stock". Then he hands me the OTHER WOOD SKS!the guy said "6 shots of 357 is a lot of firepower" and I said "It's 5 of .38"
Another time I ask to look at a 4x overpriced Steyr M1895 STRAIGHT PULL carbine. He tells me all about the history of the gun which was totally wrong including what country it came from. Then when I correct him he gets arrogant about how he knows all about these thing. Meanwhile I'm trying not to laugh as this guy struggles to turn the bolt on the rifle to open it. He finally gives up and says how hard they can be to open and hands it over to me. I yank it right open and explain how it is a straight pull and its from Austria.
The only thing I've ever bought from there was a G3 sling and a bag of 30-40 krag brass about 15 years ago.
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