Just checked, both my reps, Cannaday and Lerblance voted nay. And Lerblance was the dimwit that claimed this will allow people to carry in bars. I've got work to be doing.
I called mine and left messages,signed the petition and tried to e-mail.Damn e-mail wouldn't e-mail unless I opened an e-mail account with them.I don't want to open another f#%&ing e-mail account,I already have one.:finger: Steve
Apparently the House put in 30 minutes and adjourned for the day. I got the video up late but I didn't see anything about 3354. I am smelling death unless we can necessitate it through lighting up switchboards.
I just rcvd a call from Derby that HB3354 was put off again today. He "thinks" it is because they want to complete the budget first. He's on his way to talk to Col Duncan now.
It appears they are trying to get this thing through, but house leadership is trying to place it on back burner. From what I'm gathering, Duncan, Derby and others are fighting to get this thing up.
I'm afraid that house leadership is trying to silently kill this without having their names on a vote, by letting it collect dust and die of neglect.
So, what's the next stop? Calling/emailing Chris Benge?