HB 3354 - Open Carry

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Special Hen
Apr 23, 2010
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Interesting politicians Oklahoma has............

I know these legislators are very busy folks this time of year, but a simple letter responding to a constituent's request doesn't take much time or effort. Somebody on staff could be delegated to see that gets done.


I sent Rep. Rousselot a message of thanks for initially voting for HB3354. I also sent him a message asking him to vote to override the governor's veto. No response. When I found out he voted to SUSTAIN Henry's veto, I wrote him another letter. Here it is........

Representative Rousselot,

First, let me express my displeasure with your failure to even respond to the previous e-mail I sent to you concerning HB3354. As I mentioned in that correspondence, I am new to Oklahoma and still determining who will get my support for the various political offices here. You have made it reasonably easy for me, in your case.

Second, I am VERY disappointed that you effectively changed your vote on HB3354 from a "Yes" to pass the House of Representatives to a "No" to override the governor's veto. That disappointment, however, would have been tempered with some amount of understanding if you had taken the time to explain your opposition. To completely ignore a constituent, however, is unbelievable!

As I mentioned in the first message to you, I am an activist when it comes to social issues, and do not consider political party in making my choices for support. I support - and vote - for the person, not the party. Can you explain to me why you would support passage of HB3354 initially, then vote NOT to override the governor's veto? That seems to smack of inside politics, especially when you failed to respond to my correspondence.

Finally, today I got an e-mail response - of sorts - from Mr. Rousselot.

XXXXXX, It is 9:15 pm as I write this. We are still in session and we are in the middle of debate on a bill which has to do with tax credits for small businesses. We have been extremely busy trying to wind up this legislative session on time. I always respond to any correspondence I receive when I am able. My response time may not be timely enough to some and obviously not soon enough for you but I can assure you I do not ignore anyone. My cell phone is 918-869-8818 and I would welcome a conversation with you anytime. We should finish the legislative session on Friday the 28th if we do not have a melt down. Also, if you will ask the folks in Porter you will find I am there in election and non-election years and have always had a tent at the Peach Festival ready and available to visit. Take care and God Bless, Wade.

Fine, Mr. Rousselot, and I appreciate you giving me your cell phone # for personal contact. :thanku: Plus, if I happen to get over to Porter for the Peach Festival, I'll be sure to stop in and say hello. :drunk5: But YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION, sir! :angry3:

Tomorrow, I'll take Mr. Rousselot up on his offer to call him on his cell phone. Perhaps I can get an answer to my question. I'm still open to giving him my support if he has the right answers........

Oh, I also received no response from Senator Easley when I wrote her expressing my disappointment for her "No" vote on HB3354. Seems like I've inherited a couple of non-responsive legislators to represent my interests in the State of Oklahoma..........



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 3, 2007
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This was the response I got from McPeak.

Would you mind giving Rep. McPeak your mailing address?

He voted No both times, so I guess I will be voting NO for him.

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