My son is a Kia mechanic. He would argue that point passionately.
As for the ARs - I have only fairly recently come out of the closet and started shooting one. It's fairly high-end upper, poverty lower, with good optics. It's works every time, and is very accurate. It's really amazing how open and helpful all the AR owners and builders are, and it's an endless array of options when it comes to artificial enhancement devices. There's a plastic add-on for every desire, and most hardcore AR folks own many ARs in different configurations, which I guess makes them polyARmorous. It truly is a welcoming group that doesn't judge, and I'm proud to say that even though I use to discriminate against AR owners, I'm now an ally.
You feelin ok? That was a positive, complimentary post, with no sarcasm? or was there? Damn..... you're playing 4D chess aren't you?!