How did these thousands of Haitians get to Mexico?

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Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
to be honest i'm trying some of that right now and it's not so bad. collectively wallowing seemingly gets more accomplished these days than working hard.

it's like the two parties are parents about to split and the american public is wising up to getting whatever they want if they just play them against each other. i'm kinda into it.
Another word that fits this atttude is SPOILED BRATISUM! A to be expected side effect of an affluent society?


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
imo i've been spoiling the people better off than me my entire working life. i think it's time to come back around a bit. i don't really see anything wrong with that.

imo, business owners, leaders, executives, politicians, corporations, they all turned their back on me and the rest of America. now i think we're turning our backs on them. difference is; i've always been poor and i'm used to it. i don't think they are.
Oct 26, 2009
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riddle me this: how to immigrants improve the nations they invade, but not their own?

to me you have it like this: you have first world people who know how to live in a functioning, lawful society that uses technology as a basis for advancement.
you also have third world people who God bless them simply don't understand some of the things we take for granted.
so what makes more sense? taking the people from the first world nations and emigrating them to the third world, so that they can use their knowledge on things like technology and advancement for the greater good?

or taking people from the third world and invading the first, bringing in people who don't even speak the language, don't understand the laws, and will blatantly disobey them anyway because i mean they are invading the nation illegally.

to me the mission trip style emigration makes much, much more sense than marching hordes of immigrants into the first world and then just dumping them there to scrub toilets and pick fruit for the elite.
It depends on what your goals are. Look at it from the POV of a democrat.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
right, but even they have the Peace Corps model which takes people from the first world and places them into areas where they can help.
unless you are referring the purposeful destruction of america thru the importation of a slave class. then yea, absolutely.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
The average black African by far. They have a work ethic.
eh, this is where illegal immigration gives the other immigrants a bad rep.

for the most part, obviously people coming to america from poor countries are likely still relatively, if not even relatively to the people in america..., well off. like we get among the best asians, indians, arabs, macedonians, you name it. same with african.
when you say "average" african, i will admit i have never been there. but i don't believe the "average" african in africa to be of the same ilk as the average african *from* africa.

you could most certainly say the same about expats abroad: most of them are wealthier than the average american, likely less overweight (maybe), probably more likely to be bilingual, either made contact with nation thru education or job or both, etc.

but like....*anyone* can just walk across an unguarded border. and to that point, the people *willing to cheat to do so* are likely the other end of the spectrum of those who earned a spot thru merit or other accredited means. other than having two working legs or the ability to sit in a hot 53 ft trailer for a few days.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
you could easily make the argument the mexican cartels are worse than the taliban. they kill more women, they kill more politicians. i mean both are kinda even on the cia, i dunno i think sometimes the cartels might be a lot more cia than i believe.

but yeah, they kill like hundreds of people *running* for office each year. so anyone who dares runs knows that if they even think about opposing the cartels they will just be killed. in a public way. like head in hands beside the road way.

so what kind of government do you get where the people that are even brave enough to *attempt* to run to *possibly* get elected (they wouldn't) in an effort to change the government are just publicly executed by a terroristic force that is stronger than the nation's military?

Feb 25, 2006
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Ponca City,OK.
Does anyone have info. on how these thousands of Haitians got to Mexico, Central, and South America, form Haiti? I feel sorry for anyone like these poor people, most are likely just vicoms of where thay were born. But in my opinion The USA evolved at the very same time, and place all these Banana republics did. Why did all these banana republics turn out to be like they are, poor and destitute, with only the .01% ELITE with ALL THE MONEY and POWER, and we have, without doubt the HIGHEST STANDARD OF LIVING IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY? I think this DREASTC DIFFERENCE is due to one thing. THE RULE OF LAW, NOT MEN! If we give up the rule of law, to accpmidate these poor people, how long will it be before we become just like the place they came from! I'm for helping the legitimate ones, and if our existing laws are not adiquate, then change the laws, so we can help them, within the framework of the law! IGNORING LAWS IS DANGEROUS, and will lead to places we don't want to be!
I think that is the point. It is easier to make a rich country poor than it is to make a poor country rich. If you look at everything Biden and the left is doing is to bankrupt this country. They are spending money they know we don't have. They want the the working class so depend on the government for everything so they can have total control for a new world order.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 26, 2014
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riddle me this: how to immigrants improve the nations they invade, but not their own?

to me you have it like this: you have first world people who know how to live in a functioning, lawful society that uses technology as a basis for advancement.
you also have third world people who God bless them simply don't understand some of the things we take for granted.
so what makes more sense? taking the people from the first world nations and emigrating them to the third world, so that they can use their knowledge on things like technology and advancement for the greater good?

or taking people from the third world and invading the first, bringing in people who don't even speak the language, don't understand the laws, and will blatantly disobey them anyway because i mean they are invading the nation illegally.

to me the mission trip style emigration makes much, much more sense than marching hordes of immigrants into the first world and then just dumping them there to scrub toilets and pick fruit for the elite.
Sir, you are making to much sense, now if you can only make the STUPID/SOCIALIST politicians see the light.

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