How did these thousands of Haitians get to Mexico?

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Feb 25, 2006
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Ponca City,OK.
you could easily make the argument the mexican cartels are worse than the taliban. they kill more women, they kill more politicians. i mean both are kinda even on the cia, i dunno i think sometimes the cartels might be a lot more cia than i believe.

but yeah, they kill like hundreds of people *running* for office each year. so anyone who dares runs knows that if they even think about opposing the cartels they will just be killed. in a public way. like head in hands beside the road way.

so what kind of government do you get where the people that are even brave enough to *attempt* to run to *possibly* get elected (they wouldn't) in an effort to change the government are just publicly executed by a terroristic force that is stronger than the nation's military?

They shouldn't kill women.


Special Hen
Sep 19, 2021
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Does anyone have info. on how these thousands of Haitians got to Mexico, Central, and South America, form Haiti? I feel sorry for anyone like these poor people, most are likely just vicoms of where thay were born. But in my opinion The USA evolved at the very same time, and place all these Banana republics did. Why did all these banana republics turn out to be like they are, poor and destitute, with only the .01% ELITE with ALL THE MONEY and POWER, and we have, without doubt the HIGHEST STANDARD OF LIVING IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY? I think this DREASTC DIFFERENCE is due to one thing. THE RULE OF LAW, NOT MEN! If we give up the rule of law, to accpmidate these poor people, how long will it be before we become just like the place they came from! I'm for helping the legitimate ones, and if our existing laws are not adiquate, then change the laws, so we can help them, within the framework of the law! IGNORING LAWS IS DANGEROUS, and will lead to places we don't want to be!
By bus from neighboring countries.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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They left their home country due to government corruption and neglect and they are coming here to improve things. Pelosi aid that they are more American than the citizens of this country and she wouldn't lie-would she?
Yep. Haiti is one of the few places in the world the US should just go ahead and take over. It would cost us less in the long run.
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It makes no difference how hard anyone works no matter their ethnicity.
They are all criminals crossing our border illegally. Men, women or children, it makes no difference.
If they go through the immigration process legally, I'll welcome every one of them, but they are not.
Legal immigrants to this country are mad as heck they they are allowing this.
They are coming for the free shat that the biden/obama shadow government is promoting. Free snap, no vaccine, free housing, and so on.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
people are like "why is so hard to find X?" beit housing to jobs to food to healthcare and i assume the biggest reason for all those issues is that there are 50,000,000 "americans" who aren't even supposed to be here.

it is possible that right now, without the 2,500,000 coming across this year, that 1 out of every 8 people in america is illegal.
for the past twenty years, illegal crossings have outpaced births. then you realize that half of those births are hispanic.
the total population of the *illegals* in america is larger than the populations of:

  • Iowa
  • Nevada
  • Arkansas
  • Mississippi
  • Kansas
  • New Mexico
  • Nebraska
  • Idaho
  • West Virginia
  • Hawaii
  • New Hampshire
  • Maine
  • Montana
  • Rhode Island
  • Delaware
  • South Dakota
  • North Dakota
  • Alaska

COMBINED. 18 states worth of people have a lower total population than all the illegals in the US. it's over. we don't have a country.​

If your statement is accurate, and it wouldn't surprise me that it is, this would just make my point! WE simply must get back to the thing that made this GREAT COUNTRY, GREAT! THE RULE OF LAW, NOT MEN! IF WE DON'T, AND AT THIS RATE, WE WILL SOON BE JUST ANOTHETR BANANA REPUBLIC, WITH THE STANDARD OF LIVING THAT GOES ALONG WITH THAT! LOOK AT VENEZUELA, FROM THE WEALTHIEST NATION IN SOUTH AMERICA, WITH THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF LIVING, TO THE POOREST, WITH THE LOWEST STANDARD OF LIVING, IN ONLY 20 ODD YEARS, WITH THE HELP OF SOCIALISM! They use $10,000.00 Venezuelan bills for toilet paper, because it's cheaper, and more radially available! Be very careful what YOU go along with! If we allow this to happen, where do these poor people, as well as U.S. Citizens, flee to to have a better life? See what I mean Vern?


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
it is old john. i do a lot of stuff with numbers when i'm bored. one day i decided to see just how many people 30,000,000-50,000,000 is.

it's a lot.

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