You left out the MERGE LANE. Leaving OKC, today. Stuck behind a 20 yo, sitting in turn lane, on his phone. Left turn arrow goes green. He sits, car behind me, starts honking. He continues with his phone. Finally, looks up and proceeds at snail pace. I get the yellow, about half way through. Several run the red.
Idiot hits merge lane, to get on I-44. Never gets above 30 mph, hits signal and pulls into traffic lane. Brakes lock up. 1 serves into merge lane, in front of me. (I am laying back to have room to accelerate.) Catch azzwipe before the next exit, never gets above 45 and is riding the left lane.
Traffic in Dallas is horrible, but they know how to merge. Most around here believe they have the right-of-way.
Drive around Ada sometime, holy crap you take our life in your hands.
I would rather drive in Dallas, in rush hour than in Ada in "rush hour" its a damn joke.
Yield signs, mean nothing, just take them down already. I have learned at two exchanges here, if I am not taking a on ramp, move over to the left lane, because some asswipe will come shooting out of the exchange, right in front of you and not even hit the brake, signal or look.
Gas stations, those pumps are not for getting gas they are for parking while you go inside and ******** and get your little coffee, coke, burrito or whatever.