All kidding aside, you need to pray about it and ask God to give you patience. I still get irritated but have gotten way better after several road rage incidents that could have gotten me killed or in serious trouble. You’re not gonna correct those who think them getting to where they are going is more important than other people. The number of people who run red lights is ridiculous and traffic enforcement is at an all time low. With apologies to Scott and other LEO, enforcement of traffic laws on OKC streets and highways is practically non existent. I’m sure they have other things more pressing but unless you are driving way over the limit or doing something really stupid you aren’t going to get a ticket. I try to stay in the slow lane and drive no more than 5-8 miles over the limit with my head on a swivel. Let the idiots pass me and hope on the slim chance there’s a cop ahead running radar. The reason I sold my motorcycle was several near misses and everyone I see is on a cell phone. It’s not going to get any better. Just plan on doing what you can to help yourself accept it.