How often does one face a "violent attack"? I have not yet, and I am old. But I have been aware of my surroundiings, have made my weapon available, and have made certain I am ready to shoot to kill any assailant. Y'know what? If I miss...if I am killed or wounded...if I am not successful in removing my assailant...I will have tried. I will have been courageous. I will not have been a lame-brain who has a weapon but has not the will nor knowledge to use it.
I suppose your post struck me as being important in reminding all that a license to carry does not protect one on its own. But also it seemed elitist. We are in this together. The good, the clumsy, the prepared, the skilled, the practiced, all the individuals who either meet or do not rise to your criteria. We should take from you the necessity of preparedness, and ask of you that your requirements be extrapolated to instruct those 99% that, as of now, do not measure up.
Sorry, but "tried" and "have been" are not words I want to associate with defending my family, or myself. Being the father of three, I have a responsibility to live, to win and to destroy any and all attempts at violence against my family as a whole.
You may not be certain of the outcome of a fight, but you can know which side to bet on.