Jason Alexander's view of "Assault sytle weapons"

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Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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I'll just drop this here.



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Mar 15, 2009
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This part is kinda true: Just look how many of you are reacting with anger and vitriol.

"These people believe that the US government is eventually going to go street by street and enslave our citizens. Now as long as that is only happening to liberals, homosexuals and democrats - no problem. But if they try it with anyone else - it's going to be arms-ageddon and these committed, God-fearing, brave souls will then use their military-esque arsenal to show the forces of our corrupt government whats-what. These people think they meet the definition of a "militia". They don't. At least not the constitutional one. And, if it should actually come to such an unthinkable reality, these people believe they would win. That's why they have to "take our country back". From who? From anyone who doesn't think like them or see the world like them. They hold the only truth, everyone else is dangerous. Ever meet a terrorist that doesn't believe that? Just asking."

he just "kinda" called the majority of the poeple on this forum terrorists and you "kinda" agreed with him.

Jam Master Jay

Special Hen
Jan 13, 2010
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Broken Arrow
The people making the knee-jerk "Lets ban xyz" statements are only looking at one side of the issue.

One could easily make an opposing argument: The running theme in almost every mass shooting (Columbine, Congresswoman Giffords, Aurora) is that the shooter is mentally unstable and a loner. Likely with antisocial personality disorder. As such, any person with a personality disorder or mental illness or people relying on anti-psychotics or antidepressants should be committed to a hospital or at the very least be put on a "Registered Offenders" list. Any loners should be locked up before they turn into killers.

It's all absurd.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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he just "kinda" called the majority of the poeple on this forum terrorists and you "kinda" agreed with him.

I agree that if you are absolutely intolerant of any dissenting opinion and completely inflexible in your belief system, you have more in common with a terrorist than the average American.


Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
Why dont you just run everyone off JB.

You whoop up on everyone for being stern in their convictions, yet you do the exact same thing on the other side of the table. You make absoloutley no sense.

Its like telling a child not to hit, while you are whooping their ass.

The average American is in a sleep like trance.

If you are awake, you are a terrorist. So I guess JB is right.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Who wants to run anyone off? Why do you make insane comments like that?

I respect everyone's right to believe what they want. You don't have to agree with me any more than I have to agree with you, and neither of us has to agree with anybody else on the forum.

For a guy who loudly proclaims his right to believe what he wants, you sure get agitated when someone disagrees with you.


Nov 7, 2008
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Out in the woods.
I don't agree with most of Mr Alexander's comments, espically the comments on if you own an AR type rifle that "you intend on using it" on another human as he inferrs. Nor do I believe that an AR is more accurate, fires a more deadly projectile yada yada all the other mis conceptions, that we gun types know to be mostly untrue. But what I really don't cotton to is the fact that Mr Alexander thinks he knows what is best for me, a family guy living in rural Oklahoma. Does anyone here, Mr Books included, think that Jason Alexander has ever had a bob cat or coyote come and sit on his front porch? Has Mr. Alexander ever had a calving cow attacked by a pack of coyotes? I don't think so. I believe, and this is just my opinion mind you so please bear with me as I'm entitled to it, that Mr Alexander is concerned for the urban city dweller and his opinions are based on that type of environment. Nor do I think his opinions are based on any real experience with firearms or shooting, thus the otherwise inexplicable ignorant comments on AR's being far more deadlier and accurate. I do agree that what happened is gravely terrible and needless and my prayers go out to all involved in such a sensless act. What should be done to stop another one from happening, I don't know the answer to that question. I wish I did, but I don't feel that the rights of the many should be trampled upon to solve a problem of the few. The majority of gun owners have never raised a weapon in anger or for defense for that matter. We shoot paper, tin cans, rocks turtles and we enjoy the choice of what we want to own. It's about the choice above all else, that is what makes this the greatest country, the everyday common man has the choice.

Now Mr Books, I do not want to quarrel with you in any way, but I do want to ask a serious question. If you do not feel as tho you want to discuss it, fine, I'll understand and not think any the less of you. You to are entitled to your opinion and wether to express them or not. But as you seem to want to make comments (non judgmental here) about others expressed opinions on this subject of gun control, what are your thoughts and beliefs about this subject, in light of the events that transpired in Colorado. Should certain types of firearms be banned from the general public? What are your thoughts about Mr. Alexanders' comments?

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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I only agreed with Alexander's comments regarding the militia delusions a lot of folks seem to have. In particular, his comment about how those folks feel about those whom disagree with them.

I think gun control is a stupid concept. As as so often been said, it will only impact law abiding citizens.

I think magazine capacity restrictions are stupid.

I agree with you that urban city dwellers have no concept of the gun as a tool.


Ive read alot of forums this week i dont say much I just read.

As for the weapon of his choice was a ar15, shot gun, 40 gal.this was his choice. this man did not have to use these he could have used anything, if he could not have gotten these weapons he would have used anything.

You should read about TIMOTHY MCVEIGH trained in the militry recieved bronze star he could have used anything also, he used a bomb made of fertilizer .How are we to ban fertilizer.

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