Martin's dad to speak to congress

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Jun 7, 2013
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. . .and read replies to the extent that it's a waste, and another useless tool compared to the likes of the UNCF.

I don't really need to reply to anything else. this sentence, standing on it's own merits shows you true feelings and character -and I would be ashamed.

I didn't compare ANYTHING to the UNCF - much less call it a waste. At no point did I say it was an unworthy organization, or useless. Perhaps it is you, sir, that need to re-read what was written.

another poster said it best when they said 'the pendulum has swung too far the other way' - overcompensation.

When was the last time I was discriminated against? The last time I was discriminated against was about a year ago. A roller skating rink on the north side of town. As a surprise, we took our 4 kids (all white, of course) out for dinner and something fun to do. they saw the rink and said "hey! Lets do that!" - we pulled up, parked the car and headed in. At the ticket window the (black) woman looked at me funny when I said "four kids and two adults, please - and we all need skates." - seemed harmless enough. Then she leaned forward, looked me right in the eye and said "look in that rink - do you see any white people? this is n**ga night. you need to leave 'fore you get beat up." - I was horrified and she was serious. my youngest was 7 at the time. she was horrified. my teenage daughter cried. my son got pissed. my wife was embarrassed. I was polite, I thanked her for her time and I left.

So don't you DARE tell me I don't know what discrimination is like - that's only the LAST time it's happened.

As far as the rest of your ridiculousness, you can keep it. I do not speak from a position of ignorance on the subject.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
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Perfect time for this thread to close. Court rooms are about facts not feelings. This case was an abortion from the start. Zimmerman was way overcharged. He should never have been brought to trial and that opinion comes from only minority on the jury. Race played no factor in this case. Public perception is not reality.


Special Hen
Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
Moore, OK
I don't really need to reply to anything else. this sentence, standing on it's own merits shows you true feelings and character -and I would be ashamed.

I didn't compare ANYTHING to the UNCF - much less call it a waste. At no point did I say it was an unworthy organization, or useless. Perhaps it is you, sir, that need to re-read what was written.

another poster said it best when they said 'the pendulum has swung too far the other way' - overcompensation.

When was the last time I was discriminated against? The last time I was discriminated against was about a year ago. A roller skating rink on the north side of town. As a surprise, we took our 4 kids (all white, of course) out for dinner and something fun to do. they saw the rink and said "hey! Lets do that!" - we pulled up, parked the car and headed in. At the ticket window the (black) woman looked at me funny when I said "four kids and two adults, please - and we all need skates." - seemed harmless enough. Then she leaned forward, looked me right in the eye and said "look in that rink - do you see any white people? this is n**ga night. you need to leave 'fore you get beat up." - I was horrified and she was serious. my youngest was 7 at the time. she was horrified. my teenage daughter cried. my son got pissed. my wife was embarrassed. I was polite, I thanked her for her time and I left.

So don't you DARE tell me I don't know what discrimination is like - that's only the LAST time it's happened.

As far as the rest of your ridiculousness, you can keep it. I do not speak from a position of ignorance on the subject.

Here's your post:
Ridiculous. Another merit-less voice speaking to a merit-less group about, no doubt, topics in which he has a merit-less opinion.
Where's the Congressional Caucus on white Men and Boys? Hispanic Men and Boys?
funny how racism has turned into such a double-standard.
United Negro College fund - how about a United white-guy college fund?
I'm sorry. You're not making light if the UNCF here? Maybe I missed something but you don't seem to be giving merit to anything in this post.

And I didn't ask about you being discriminated against. You brought up the issue of a couple of specific racial slurs. I asked you a specific question about that.
I never said you hadn't experienced discrimination. Didn't say that it wasn't possible. Never said racists were only one color or type of people. Everybody can suffer some sort of discrimination...and that's the problem.

However, if you want to compare stories, then it's a safe bet I'll win that race. I've got 10 for every 1 of yours...and some would turn your stomach. Where I come from, you didn't get the warning.
You may not speak from a position of ignorance, but you surely do not know as much as you believe you do.
In my last post I admitted to possibly being part of the problem...the fact that you can't do the same speaks volumes.

Court rooms are about facts not feelings. This case was an abortion from the start. Zimmerman was way overcharged. He should never have been brought to trial and that opinion comes from only minority on the jury. Race played no factor in this case. Public perception is not reality.
Not disputing any of that. I stopped in to make a comment on the Caucus that was held. I have no issue with the verdict in the trial. So many people seem to think I do, ignoring the fact that I've repeatedly stated otherwise.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
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Skiatook misunderstand my post. I'm not arguing the trial itself but all of the crap surrounding it. Race was not played out in the court room but on TV, the radio, in homes, and forums like this.

Seriously? You didn't see the race card during the trial or did you chose to ignore it?

What I saw from the protest & people supporting Martin was a mixed crowd. Half were low information ignorant fools who thought the kid was stalked down & killed like a deer. the other part of their group were basically saying the only reason he was shot was b/c he was black. Neither side of their group could even begin to fathom that Martin's direct actions is what ultimately led to his death. All they wanna cry about is racism while ignoring reality. and it's still going on.

Call it racists if you like but there is a serious problem when the black community flat out refuses for the most part to accept that his physical actions caused his death. I know not all blacks feel this way as some have publicly come out to condemn the protesters & speak the truth. I applaud those who can see past the race card to reality. Sadly too many people jumped on the race wagon though. and sadly the majority of those are acting like fools which only further hurts the "image" they should be attempting to portray.

Honestly the first major steps to fixing the race issues is to get rid of people like Sharpton & Jackson who only drag down the black community. I never see them protesting in the streets about black on black violence. I never see them giving landmark public speeches about parents sticking around & being parents instead of creating more unstable one parent homes. I never see them encouraging the black community to protect it's own by helping police rid the neighborhoods of criminals. I never see them encouraging them to shy away from the gangster/hood lifestyle so many glorify.

Point is they cannot continue to look for everyone else to fix the issues & never take responsibility. At some point for change to happen responsibility has to be accounted for & talked about. Actions have to be made on their parts starting in their homes, neighborhoods & action centers. Positive change, not angry at the man type change. Once this starts we will see drastic progress nation wide, but not until then.


Special Hen
Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
Moore, OK
Seriously? You didn't see the race card during the trial or did you chose to ignore it?
Oh my posts. The trial itself came down to whether or not GZ was justified in drawing and using his firearm. Verdict rendered. Done.

I specifically state that I'm referring to all the crap surrounding the trial. Too many people with their own personal agendas getting involved and turning it into something it shouldn't have been. I call out the media, conservatives and liberals alike.

Call it racists if you like but there is a serious problem when the black community flat out refuses for the most part to accept that his physical actions caused his death.
Didn't call anyone a racist. And I do believe I said TM acted inappropriately in a situation that could have been avoided...just like GZ.
It's also not just about the black community. The white community played a fair role in this as well. And of course I said all of this...blacks, whites, conservatives, liberals, the media. Didn't choose a side.

Honestly the first major steps to fixing the race issues is to get rid of people like Sharpton & Jackson who only drag down the black community.
That's a fair statement. Same could be said about the KKK, neo-nazi skins, and any other white supremacist organization that doesn't help the reputation of the white community.

Point is they cannot continue to look for everyone else to fix the issues & never take responsibility. At some point for change to happen responsibility has to be accounted for & talked about. Actions have to be made on their parts starting in their homes, neighborhoods & action centers. Positive change, not angry at the man type change. Once this starts we will see drastic progress nation wide, but not until then.
Positive change...the kind that helps out the whole country does not start with "them". There's enough responsibility to account for on both sides of the fence.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
Ok so why do you claim that the trial should have been about self defense, but that it wasn't? Was it not an open and shut self defense case or was it?


Special Hen
Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
Moore, OK
Ok so why do you claim that the trial should have been about self defense, but that it wasn't? Was it not an open and shut self defense case or was it?

OK let me try to clear this up.
The trial should have been about SD. The events that created the situation and that led up to the altercation are try one sided. Since we can't know exactly what happened the question is "did GZ fear for his life and was he justified in drawing and firing his firearm". Jury decided and done. Outside the courtroom it took on a whole different other life. Too many people got involved and turned it into a soap box. Liberals, conservatives, blacks, whites, the media in general. As a result we have all these arguments about "those people", profiling, hate crime, etc. Without clearly knowing the events before the incident it's hard to say it was racially motivated. We can speculate but that gas given way to some pretty biased and borderline hate speech.

Personally, as I've stated before, I believe both parties entered into an avoidable situation and made some bad decisions. It resulted I'm a fight and I'm the end one of the was killed. There was no way this was going to end well - TM dies or GZ dies - either way a guilty verdict wasn't likely.


Jan 19, 2010
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Not that long ago you gave an azz whippin or you got an azz whippin.
Now we are justifying shooting someone dead for kicking your pansy ass.

Both trrayvon and georgez are losers in my book, for different reasons but still... they are both pieces of ****.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
Not that long ago you gave an azz whippin or you got an azz whippin.
Now we are justifying shooting someone dead for kicking your pansy ass.

Both trrayvon and georgez are losers in my book, for different reasons but still... they are both pieces of ****.

Due to the rise of $$$$$ lawsuits and proliferation of concealed carry laws, the consequences of assaulting people has gotten more costly and more deadly. So when did people start shooting eachother in self defense?


Aug 18, 2012
Reaction score
Seriously? You didn't see the race card during the trial or did you chose to ignore it?

What I saw from the protest & people supporting Martin was a mixed crowd. Half were low information ignorant fools who thought the kid was stalked down & killed like a deer. the other part of their group were basically saying the only reason he was shot was b/c he was black. Neither side of their group could even begin to fathom that Martin's direct actions is what ultimately led to his death. All they wanna cry about is racism while ignoring reality. and it's still going on.

Call it racists if you like but there is a serious problem when the black community flat out refuses for the most part to accept that his physical actions caused his death. I know not all blacks feel this way as some have publicly come out to condemn the protesters & speak the truth. I applaud those who can see past the race card to reality. Sadly too many people jumped on the race wagon though. and sadly the majority of those are acting like fools which only further hurts the "image" they should be attempting to portray.

Honestly the first major steps to fixing the race issues is to get rid of people like Sharpton & Jackson who only drag down the black community. I never see them protesting in the streets about black on black violence. I never see them giving landmark public speeches about parents sticking around & being parents instead of creating more unstable one parent homes. I never see them encouraging the black community to protect it's own by helping police rid the neighborhoods of criminals. I never see them encouraging them to shy away from the gangster/hood lifestyle so many glorify.

Point is they cannot continue to look for everyone else to fix the issues & never take responsibility. At some point for change to happen responsibility has to be accounted for & talked about. Actions have to be made on their parts starting in their homes, neighborhoods & action centers. Positive change, not angry at the man type change. Once this starts we will see drastic progress nation wide, but not until then.

Oh my posts. The trial itself came down to whether or not GZ was justified in drawing and using his firearm. Verdict rendered. Done.

I specifically state that I'm referring to all the crap surrounding the trial. Too many people with their own personal agendas getting involved and turning it into something it shouldn't have been. I call out the media, conservatives and liberals alike.

Didn't call anyone a racist. And I do believe I said TM acted inappropriately in a situation that could have been avoided...just like GZ.
It's also not just about the black community. The white community played a fair role in this as well. And of course I said all of this...blacks, whites, conservatives, liberals, the media. Didn't choose a side.

That's a fair statement. Same could be said about the KKK, neo-nazi skins, and any other white supremacist organization that doesn't help the reputation of the white community.

Positive change...the kind that helps out the whole country does not start with "them". There's enough responsibility to account for on both sides of the fence.
You can stuff that KKKand neo nazi crap. Sharp ton and Jackson are always in the news. When's the last time you saw KKk or nazis? I'm sure they are still there but they simply don't matter unlike the race baiters who are doing damage daily. And we certainly dont refer to the as "white leadership". You lost me with that one.
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