McCarthy's fascist gun ban bill now has 65 sponsors!

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Special Hen
Jan 28, 2010
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Has anyone watched that detroit shoot out at the police station? Thats reason enough to have high capacity mags, because if the officers didnt might have been a different story!


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Has anyone watched that detroit shoot out at the police station? Thats reason enough to have high capacity mags, because if the officers didnt might have been a different story!

Scary video - I agree but what they badly needed was a shotgun. (Just don't tell Ms McCarthy how devastating shotguns are or she'll try to outlaw them too)


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Republicans are trying to tack a health care reform amendment onto the FAA re-authorization bill. Democrats are retaliating by adding the high cap mag ban proposed by Carolyn McCarthy (10 years for 11 rounds or more). Click here for S223. “It’s political suicide,” National Association for Gun Rights Executive Director Dudley Brown told TTAG. “But after Tucson the Dems don’t seem to think so, along with some weak-kneed Republicans.” Brown reckons the amendments may cancel each other out, but warns our readers (and their 600 thousands members) to watch this space. Brown also points out that Harry Reid, the pol who [barely] failed to get the NRA’s endorsement during the last election cycle, is behind the push. Huh.


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2008
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I see both sides.

One does have to acknowledge that there is probably no legitimate need for a 30 round handgun or rifle.

This is a tough one. Someone enlighten me.

you asked for enlightenment... So.

First of all, it is a magazine, sweet-pea. A clip is what girls wear in their hair. Second, you need to go turtle shooting with a 25 rd. .22lr mag or bust a pack of hogs on the creek bank with an AR. Go do that and you will see that 10 rounds can be seriously limiting. Third, and most important, not one of the 27 words of the second amendment even hints at "legitimate" being a qualifier for firearm or "clip" capacity. We are a country founded on principals like innocent until proven guilty and life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are also a country founded on a premise of limited government, not limiting government. Somewhere we got our government's prupose screwed up. We went from a government with a written guarantee of freedoms and liberties to one of limitations and restrictions.

If you read it Declaration of Independence, it talks about the peoples right and responsibility to not only limit government, but also the right and responsibility to throw the bastards out and start over when they get out of line. I don't remember reading anywhere in the Declaration where it says we can only do it 10 rounds at a time......

Consider yourself "enlightened"


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
you asked for enlightenment... So.

First of all, it is a magazine, sweet-pea. A clip is what girls wear in their hair. Second, you need to go turtle shooting with a 25 rd. .22lr mag or bust a pack of hogs on the creek bank with an AR. Go do that and you will see that 10 rounds can be seriously limiting. Third, and most important, not one of the 27 words of the second amendment even hints at "legitimate" being a qualifier for firearm or "clip" capacity. We are a country founded on principals like innocent until proven guilty and life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are also a country founded on a premise of limited government, not limiting government. Somewhere we got our government's prupose screwed up. We went from a government with a written guarantee of freedoms and liberties to one of limitations and restrictions.

If you read it Declaration of Independence, it talks about the peoples right and responsibility to not only limit government, but also the right and responsibility to throw the bastards out and start over when they get out of line. I don't remember reading anywhere in the Declaration where it says we can only do it 10 rounds at a time......

Consider yourself "enlightened"

Stop with using the facts, especially the mention of the DoI. So mundane and outdated in this modern, enlightened era where "statesmen" populate the halls of Congress who only want us all to be safe and secure even if it means not free.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2005
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you asked for enlightenment... So.

First of all, it is a magazine, sweet-pea. A clip is what girls wear in their hair. Second, you need to go turtle shooting with a 25 rd. .22lr mag or bust a pack of hogs on the creek bank with an AR. Go do that and you will see that 10 rounds can be seriously limiting. Third, and most important, not one of the 27 words of the second amendment even hints at "legitimate" being a qualifier for firearm or "clip" capacity. We are a country founded on principals like innocent until proven guilty and life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are also a country founded on a premise of limited government, not limiting government. Somewhere we got our government's prupose screwed up. We went from a government with a written guarantee of freedoms and liberties to one of limitations and restrictions.

If you read it Declaration of Independence, it talks about the peoples right and responsibility to not only limit government, but also the right and responsibility to throw the bastards out and start over when they get out of line. I don't remember reading anywhere in the Declaration where it says we can only do it 10 rounds at a time......

Consider yourself "enlightened"

QFT...and because I haven't clicked "New Posts" enough today.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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THEY SAY: ... You don't need a 30-round magazine for hunting deer –– they're only for killing people."

WE SAY: "I compete in DCM High Power with my AR-15. You need a large-capacity magazine for their course of fire. My SKS is a fine deer rifle, and I've never done anything to give my government reason not to trust me, blah, blah, blah." (FLAW: You have implicitly conceded that it is okay to ban any gun with no sporting use. And eventually they can replace your sporting arms with arcade-game substitutes.)

WE SHOULD SAY: "Your claim that 'they're only for killing people' is imprecise. A gas chamber or electric chair is designed for killing people, and these devices obviously serve different functions than guns. To be precise, a high capacity military-type rifle or handgun is designed for CONFLICT. When I need to protect myself and my freedom, I want the most reliable, most durable, highest capacity weapon possible. The only thing hunting and target shooting have to do with freedom is that they're good practice."
Give It to Them Straight [Article on How to Combat Anti-Gun Arguments] Armed Females of America ^ | April 2003 | John Ross


Special Hen
Feb 12, 2009
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you asked for enlightenment... So.

First of all, it is a magazine, sweet-pea. A clip is what girls wear in their hair. Second, you need to go turtle shooting with a 25 rd. .22lr mag or bust a pack of hogs on the creek bank with an AR. Go do that and you will see that 10 rounds can be seriously limiting. Third, and most important, not one of the 27 words of the second amendment even hints at "legitimate" being a qualifier for firearm or "clip" capacity. We are a country founded on principals like innocent until proven guilty and life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are also a country founded on a premise of limited government, not limiting government. Somewhere we got our government's prupose screwed up. We went from a government with a written guarantee of freedoms and liberties to one of limitations and restrictions.

If you read it Declaration of Independence, it talks about the peoples right and responsibility to not only limit government, but also the right and responsibility to throw the bastards out and start over when they get out of line. I don't remember reading anywhere in the Declaration where it says we can only do it 10 rounds at a time......

Consider yourself "enlightened"

Stop being rational. The government hates that.

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