Could static ignite primer or powder?
The ripped casing is in first pic.WOW... brother - first off - glad you're ok... I've had primers go off on rare occasions gettin' sideways in the seating station... which will get your attention - but that's scary... I'm glad you mentioned "safety glasses"... Lesson to those that don't wear them.... We spend so much time worrying about powder management, double charges and then ka-booms from our guns - it's easy to forget they can happen at the press... I'd be curious to see a pic of whats left of the reload...
Am I seeing things or is the bullet lodged in the decapping die? The reason for getting blasted with the powder and brass debris is because that was the path of least resistance. When a round is properly chamber the path of least resistance is USUALLY the bullet leaving the case and going down the barrel. I have a feeling you tried to seat that bullet with your decapping die and something set off the primer.