I find it amusing that legislators are OK with a person walking up to a park or zoo operated by public trusts or private entities with a pair of hog legs in finely tuned leather holsters with a bandolier of ammo around their shoulder, but once crossing the property line, they create a safe place by a wearing a cover. More great thinking by our legislators that makes absolutely no sense.No. HB2010 has not been through the legislature and been signed by Sitt yet.
Right now, parks and zoos that are owned, leased, managed, or operated by public trusts or private entities are the subject of a lot of legal wrangling and online arguments etc regarding the status of lawful carry. See the recent events surrounding carry in The Gathering Place. If HB2010 passes, that discussion and confusion will effectively end. Concealed carry will be allowed on those properties and the entities that manage them cannot say otherwise.
If and when it passes, it only applies to municipal parks and zoos operated by public trusts or private entities. It has nothing to do with WMAs or city/state run parks.