OC'er Confronted By Arbys Manager

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Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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I would have handled the situation differently. The law doesn't say you have to prove to anyone but a LEO that you are legally carrying a gun. The manager had no legal right to ask and see your CCL. If he would have came up to me and asked if I was a cop I would have told him it's none of his business and I would like to be left alone. It is his right to call the cops and have them come and check my CCL. I will show them and then I would let them explain the law to him.

If someones first question is "are you a cop" then you can guess they have a fear of guns and have an opinion that only cops should have a gun and are ignorant of the law. Any discussion after that would be a waste of time. Let the cops explain the law because the manager won't believe or care about anything you say.

Try this approach and see how quickly you get arrested or cited for trespassing. The douche approach will end up causing you more harm than good.


Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
To the op

Well handled not much more you could really do except maybe remind him where he is at and tell him they have arbys in places like New York. He might fit in more there.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Younggundavid, I think there may be more than 30% who have CCL in Oklahoma. I know for a fact that ALL of my fellow hospital emplyees have CCLs, or have taken the class, often in small groups together and are waiting for the paperwork to clear. That's how I ended up with mine, I was talked into going with two other employees. Open carry is an individual preference, and I selfishishly prefer to maintain the element of surprise, haha! The thing that prevented me for so long from getting my CCL is that I didn't want to end up on a computer as a gun owner if the country keeps sliding into socialism. But at this point I think the socialists will dominate in individual states - never in Oklahoma. I love Oklahoma, and I love OSA!

Actually, the above bolded and underlined part is not true. It is much less.

This is a link to a U.S. GAO (Government Accounting Office) report on the issue of CC in America.

GAO Report on U.S. Concealed Carry

If you go to page 81 of the 90 pages, it lists Oklahoma as of December 2011 of having 122,000 permit holders in a population of 2,710,000.

Here is a report from the OSBI regarding permits in 2012.

OSBI SDA Annual Report

Page 3 of that report shows just under 40,000 applications, although that may include both new applications and renewals. So, as of December 2012, Oklahoma has roughly 160,000 permit holders.

So, instead of 30% of the population being concealed carry, it is actually less than .60%, or definitely less than even 1%. (That is, unless my percentage calculations are incorrect.)

Now, with that in mind, it is any wonder that the "average" citizen in Oklahoma might be "uncomfortable" with someone carrying openly? That is just one reason that I will not open carry.

With all that said, I have an additional comment with regards to the original poster's comments. See here:

"We finished eating, and despite me telling myself to just leave, i walked up to the counter and asked to speak to the manager. He comes out carrying a 3 ring binder that I could immediately tell was was store/management policies.
-"Sir I eat here regularly and have done so before while carrying with no problems, its important that you understand as a manager you can ask me to leave, but unless the store owner or Arbys deem the store a gun free zone that Im within my legal rights to be here, and if you choose to not allow me to be here while legally carrying, me and my family will eat elsewhere"
-Manager-"Yea thats what im doin now is actually looking over the stores policy on guns,, you know, its just one of them things,, that just becuz you can, doesnt mean you should"
My wifes jaw dropped to the floor.
"Sir unfortunately for you, your opinion doesnt override my right to carry a firearm and protect my family if evil should present itself.""

This was a circumstance of confronting the manager a second time with regards to his open carry choice. To some, that second encounter might have left the manager with the impression of the OP being "obnoxious."



Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
You can call the owners of the OKC area Arby's, but you're gonna get exactly nowhere.

I was coming home from a horse show late one night, and stopped at the one on I-35 down by Crosssroads. I pulled into the line at the drive thru, with a couple of cars in front of me, and placed my order. As I was waiting in line, they turned all the lights off. When I got to the window, I was informed they were closed. "But I placed an order" I said. She said, "yeah, we were already closed, she shouldn't have taken your order, sorry", then shut the window.

I found out the name of company that operates them and called them on Monday. They couldn't possibly have been more dismissive, and I was being kind of nice about the whole deal.

I try not to eat at Arby's anymore. Not because I don't like the food. It's because they hire idiots. I try not to trust an idiot with my food.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2006
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Try this approach and see how quickly you get arrested or cited for trespassing. The douche approach will end up causing you more harm than good.

So arguing with the manager who is misinformed and uneducated on the subject is the better approach? If I'm asked to leave I will take my food and leave. The douche approach would be to try to educate someone who doesn't want to be educated. It's like teaching a pig to sing. It's a waste of time and just annoys the pig.


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
That is your choice and it is completely ok. This is arbys, it is hardly worth 20 bucks to prove to someone that I am right(not to mention a tresspassing ticket). I would just email the owner. If this is one owned by US Beef Corp, everyone already knows their policy. They tolerate concealed carry but they do not like open carry at this time.

It is still very early in the open carry scene. We do not need to do anything that will put a bad taste in anyone's mouth. We need to win over as many people as we can.

Wow.... I OC all the time in Nevada (and have a NV and Utah permit).... I appreciate your opinion Cue... but the only way to educate folks like the Mc Manager at Arby's is to do exactly what was done.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
Try this approach and see how quickly you get arrested or cited for trespassing. The douche approach will end up causing you more harm than good.

The only way you could be cited for trespassing is if you were first asked to leave and you refuse. If they ask to see your permit and you say no, that isn't trespassing. If they call the cops on you for carrying a firearm but they never asked you to leave, as long as you have a valid permit you have broken no laws and still aren't trespassing until asked to leave. They have no more authority to ask to see your permit when you carry than they have to ask to see your drivers license in the drive through because they see that you are driving a car.

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