Pain pill abuse.

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Nonsence, and your a Doc, you should be ashamed of yourself..... ;(

Pain management is a vital part of recovery and treating many illnesses ,To call people puscys and compare them to theyre Grandparents who suffered Greatly, and died at a relative young age is ...disgusting

Do ya need another drink Doc, or do you not count that as the same..??

Yes , people abuse Things ..Every f"n do you want to start making Laws about those things too?

The .gov needs to get the heck out of our personal lives.....Period

This just disgusts me

I'll stand by my statements, but thanks for your assessment. I'll file it where I feel it belongs.

I never said some people should not get pain medicine. I said it is too freely prescribed which has led to much abuse and many other problems. You obviously have some other things on your mind when it comes to me. And yes, I'll have a few drinks when I get off work today... after spending my week sewing people's body parts back together, putting up with druggies who abuse my staff and the system and putting every finger I own in the dike of human misery and selfishness, I think I deserve it. If you disagree, you're welcome to your opinion. :D Apparently knowing $4|7 from shinola about me makes you qualified to render a judgement that I am "disgusting". lol

That's awesome. Thanks! You made my day! :D


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
Thanks guys. Just venting. And yes it's been too easy for those who don't need the pain meds to get them. So now in turn it screws those who need them.

Lupus is painfull. Endometriosis is horrible. I have an ex who suffered from that. I hope they get the right treatment.

I had a dr scrape gout of a knee one time. He had to make a video to show the rest of his cronies. Worst case he's ever seen. Lucky me.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
Seems odd that a doc would say his hands are tied when it comes to pain management. To the best of my knowledge any doc can prescribe pain meds. Even the ER docs do it regularly.

The other side of this is that pain medication doesn't cause flare-ups or inflammation. The chemical compounds don't work that way. Taking too much of some can cause liver problems (Acetaminophen), and there a few other long term problems that they cause, but I've never heard of one cause flare-ups of any other disease.

You don't mention what the pain meds were for originally. Keep in mind that pain meds don't fix any problems, they just dull the pain. So what else are you taking? Whats the root of the pain?

Example: Arthritis patients often take a steroid for inflammation and a pain med to keep them functioning while it builds up in their system. A muscle relaxer can also be prescribed if needed. It's not uncommon to see Prednisone and Hydrocodone prescribed at the same time.

Not exactly, NSAID'S Non Steroidal Anti Inflamitory Drugs help to keep the inflamitation down , so they do partly fix the problems, the relief comes from the opium base mixed in with it.
Because too much NSAIDS can indeed cause stomach and liver , kidney problems.

They recently moved trammadol up to a class 3 I believe, that may be where the prob is, I dont know what else is taken and I am not a Doc, just my experience... :)

Most Doc's can prescribe , many wont though, especially for long periods, need pain management for this.

When you sign in with a pain management Doc you sign a contract that you will only recieve medications from that Doc.
The Doc has to keep track of your medications on file.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I still don't understand what you're saying. Are you somehow suggesting there was some change in the law and now your physician can no longer prescribe you pain medication?

Many docs are instituting policies where they do not prescribe chronic pain medications for various problem, abuse being not the least of them. It is a documented fact that even if you DO do chronic pain management for a portion of your patient base, those patients invariably end up consuming a VASTLY disproportionate amount of your time and your staff's time and resources in relation to the rest of the patients in the practice who are not on chronic pain management.

Around here, not a single primary care physician will accept a new patient who is on chronic pain medication, even if they are already being provided pain medication by a dedication physician. And I can't blame them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
And I have no problems dealing with a pain management doc. Getting drug tests.. Etc. I just know from dealing with this for over 20 years what's worked. And what's had me spewing like a sprinkler. A lot of docs just throw the standard gout medications at you because that's all they know. Been there tried them all. Hell last time I had a knee drained. I guided the doc to the right spots.

I'm just complaining because the damn druggies are making me jump through the hoops..


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
I'll stand by my statements, but thanks for your assessment. I'll file it where I feel it belongs.

I never said some people should not get pain medicine. I said it is too freely prescribed which has led to much abuse and many other problems. You obviously have some other things on your mind when it comes to me. And yes, I'll have a few drinks when I get off work today... after spending my week sewing people's body parts back together, putting up with druggies who abuse my staff and the system and putting every finger I own in the dike of human misery and selfishness, I think I deserve it. If you disagree, you're welcome to your opinion. :D Apparently knowing $4|7 from shinola about me makes you qualified to render a judgement that I am "disgusting". lol

That's awesome. Thanks! You made my day! :D

AWWW dont be a puss y Doc.

Take it like a man , its not you, just your iggy statement.

I appreciate your work, just that statement set me off...see I'm calm now, so go have an even Better Day, and I really mean that.
Later Doc.

And one is on the bottom of your shoe, the other on top.... ;)


May 12, 2010
Reaction score
Lots of it. Providers are too free giving it out, and people are too paul union sam sam young to live and work with pain their grandparents would have laughed off as they plowed the field.

Xanax is even worse... they needa take that crap off the market. Ugh.

No, you're wrong. Our grandparents did not "laugh off" excruciating pain. My grandparents suffered terribly from conditions common in their era. Sure, they had to continue working, but that's because survival depended upon it. If they didn't harvest their crops, etc, they didn't eat. But they sure as heck didn't laugh in the process.

And twoguns is right. I don't know at what point we allowed a totalitarian government to dictate what medicines we can use and what guns we can own, but that's a travesty.
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