Well, my training for this has pretty much fallen apart. I was looking ok through mid-November; I had worked my way up to some pretty solid 5-mile runs (hadn't done that in years!).
Now instead of running I'm trying to rehab illiotibial band syndrome and plantar fasciitis concurrently. Probably gonna take a while to cover 6.5 miles. Oh well... I'll bring a bottle of Aleve and have a fun day anyway! How's everyone else's training going?
Dude, I haven't seen a gym since the first week of october and haven't actually *run* since the last week of the same month. I now make my living sitting in a truck most of the day instead of walking cross-country 10-12 miles a day.
I'll be walking this one just like I did the last one. There's no shame in it.
Set your pace, keep your head up and swing those arms while you breath. Push.
You'll be doing far and above what the blow-hards sitting on the couch will be doing!