Poll: Marijuana Law Reform

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Do you support allowing physician-authorized patients to consume therapeutic cannabis

  • yes

    Votes: 278 79.7%
  • no

    Votes: 71 20.3%

  • Total voters


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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looks who's spinning in the face of overwhelming legitimate evidence posted by not one, but several OSA regulars. who are known for being responsible/productive citizens.

again .. you must be delusional if you actually believe legalizing pot will NOT save money, lives or anything else. especially if 25+% of incarcerated folks in state of Oklahoma prisons for possession of drugs is correct.

pretty safe to say incarcerating non-violent formerly productive folks for pot destroys lives and costs the state $$$$ millions to house in private prisons.

last I heard it's legal to get high from: Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are the most widely consumed psychotropic drugs worldwide. They are largely consumed by normal individuals, but their use is ... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181622/

coming from an admitted former pot user like yourself... the pot calling the kettle black comes to mind :saywhat:

1) I have to take your word for you guys being responsible/productive citizens. (jk)
2) How many of that 25% are in prison for pot use???? We have no way of knowing but I would bet it is a tiny percentage of the total. Most pot users I have known that get busted get a month or two in a county jail unless they do something stupid while being arrested.
3) An example of you guys spin, you keep talking about part of the reason for drugs being illegal is because of private prisons and you folks talk about how evil they are. THERE ARE ONLY 4 IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA!!! Out of dozens of prisons in OK, only 4 and drugs were illegal long before any were.
4) Yes I was young and dumb at one time in my life and I am honest enough to admit it. I outgrew it.


Apr 13, 2010
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Note to all the dope heads! Do not worry Obama will make it Legal, he has got to create more taxes to pay for all the STUPID **** he is doing.


Special Hen
Sep 5, 2009
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So much anger in this thread....

Everyone go have beer or bowl (your choice) and relax. Theres strong opinions on this from both sides, put it on the ballot and see where it goes. It's not worth getting worked up over.

Poll needs a "neutral" option also


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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2) How many of that 25% are in prison for pot use???? We have no way of knowing but I would bet it is a tiny percentage of the total. Most pot users I have known that get busted get a month or two in a county jail unless they do something stupid while being arrested.

To me, it's not limited to marijuana. No one should be in prison for merely putting something in their own body or distributing something to a consenting adult, especially if it's a natural substance.

3) An example of you guys spin, you keep talking about part of the reason for drugs being illegal is because of private prisons and you folks talk about how evil they are. THERE ARE ONLY 4 IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA!!! Out of dozens of prisons in OK, only 4 and drugs were illegal long before any were.

Nearly 1 in 4 Oklahoma inmates are in 3 private prisons that have a contracts guaranteeing 98% occupancy of 6,150 beds (the fourth prison houses inmates from California, and the fifth and sixth private prisons are currently vacant). There are 3 female-only correctional centers, 8 publicly operated minimum security correctional centers, and 6 publicly operated medium/maximum security correctional centers - not "dozens of prisons" - that make up the remaining 20,000 beds (with 683 beds reserved for use by county jails). Not all correctional centers are prisons. At least take five minutes to look up something on ODOC's website before making a false claim about it...

Private prisons also enjoy a protection that public prisons don't: no one other than the individual guard can be sued or held accountable for Constitutional violations in a private prison, while the State in addition to the guard can be sued or held accountable in a public prison.
Correctional Services Corp. vs. Malesko, 534 U.S. 61 (2001). The private prison is not considered a state actor by the courts. (In contrast, private organizations such as OSSAA that do work on behalf of the state are state actors.)


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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To me, it's not limited to marijuana. No one should be in prison for merely putting something in their own body or distributing something to a consenting adult, especially if it's a natural substance.

Nearly 1 in 4 Oklahoma inmates are in 3 private prisons that have a contracts guaranteeing 98% occupancy of 6,150 beds (the fourth prison houses inmates from California, and the fifth and sixth private prisons are currently vacant). There are 3 female-only correctional centers, 8 publicly operated minimum security correctional centers, and 6 publicly operated medium/maximum security correctional centers - not "dozens of prisons" - that make up the remaining 20,000 beds (with 683 beds reserved for use by county jails). Not all correctional centers are prisons. At least take five minutes to look up something on ODOC's website before making a false claim about it...

Private prisons also enjoy a protection that public prisons don't: no one other than the individual guard can be sued or held accountable for Constitutional violations in a private prison, while the State in addition to the guard can be sued or held accountable in a public prison.
Correctional Services Corp. vs. Malesko, 534 U.S. 61 (2001). The private prison is not considered a state actor by the courts. (In contrast, private organizations such as OSSAA that do work on behalf of the state are state actors.)

I did look it up and I come up with 27 (2 dozen) total correctional centers. Now unless I am wrong if you are sentenced to a correctional center, you are in prison. Am I correct????

And it still does not excuse you folks using "Private prisons" as a boogeyman like you have been. Even if you 1 in 4 figure is correct, it is not the driving force behind the anti-legalization crowd. As I said, drugs were illegal long before we had private prisons so that is just another strawman.

As for you wanting to legalize all drugs. Hell No!!!!


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
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So much anger in this thread....

Everyone go have beer or bowl (your choice) and relax. Theres strong opinions on this from both sides, put it on the ballot and see where it goes. It's not worth getting worked up over.

Poll needs a "neutral" option also

It will fail. Too much money to be made by keeping it illegal. This is why it failed on the CA ballot. Police and Prison unions would face severe cutbacks, black market dealers would lose a huge percentage of profit, and of course you'd also have the anti freedom and Bible thumpers voting against it. Public perception has changed quite a bit, but public perception does not equate to a majority voting block.

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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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I did look it up and I come up with 27 (2 dozen) total correctional centers. Now unless I am wrong if you are sentenced to a correctional center, you are in prison. Am I correct????

Community/work correctional centers are not prisons. They are locations where those on probation and parole report. A halfway house is also not a prison.

It will fail. Too much money to be made by keeping it illegal. This is why it failed on the CA ballot. Police and Prison unions would face severe cutbacks, black market dealers would lose a huge percentage of profit, and of course you'd also have the anti freedom and Bible thumpers voting against it. Public perception has changed quite a bit, but public perception does not equate to a majority voting block.

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Many of those who would vote for it tend to forget.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Community/work correctional centers are not prisons. They are locations where those on probation and parole report. A halfway house is also not a prison.

If you say so, but the people confined to them might disagree. I know my niece sure does.

Many of those who would vote for it tend to forget.

Just to easy. :D :D

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