Pot Smoker Beware

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Isha's Pa Pa

Special Hen
Jan 6, 2009
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Midwest City
DAMN DUDE ... Context is IMPORTANT although I realize that it's difficult for stoners to follow along ... I wasn't even talking about you ... who puts F'ng Cheetos in the friggin' fridge???

I've NEVER driven a car either high or drunk. I tend to try to see both sides of an issue but you, sir, are a dumbass ... There is absolutely NO REASON to be driving when you are impaired ... and that means by anything ... pot, booze, Rx drugs, all of it ...

You go Girl !!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Yep, pot smokers just plain suck. When they inhale they are just as impaired as someone that's drunk. No differnce. DUI-D. It'll still get you a trip to jail and a suspended license.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
BadgeBunny said:
Seriously though, he was the most unmotivated individual

And we have a WINNER!

I spent 13 years in the military. 3 of them in the Army early 70's the rest in the Navy. The 70's was a period of time when the military had a real problem with drug use. Hell, when I showed up at my 1st unit the 1st sgt asked me before deciding what platoon I was to be assigned to whether or not I was a juicer or a head. I wasn't either really but chose juicer as the safest course. 3rd platoon was the juicers and the rest of the company were heads. It didn't take long to figure out why 3rd platoon was head over heels better troops than the guys in 1st and 2nd platoons. The heads just didn't give a rat's ass about anything and it was the hash that did it to 'em.

Not giving a crap about anything, having zero motiviation is no way to go thru life and in some cases can be a downright dangerous way to travel down life's path.

Wanna smoke yourself into oblivion - knock yourself out but don't push your bad habits off on others while you're doing it. And justifying your habit by imagining its good for you... isn't there a mental illness that describes that type of behavior?

FAL guy

Special Hen
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
I would like to take a moment to remind ZombieHunter of a few key points to consider when making his next firearm purchase while high.

ZH, when you answer "no" to question 11.e on the Federal Form 4473, which reads,"Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimuland, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" and then sign the form certifying your answers as "true, correct, and complete" you have just committed a felony.

You would probably never be caught and charged with such a crime by and of itself. If, however, you were to be arrested for marijuana posession and have a gun in your posession, the 4473 would be used as evidence against you to add more crimes and more time... I'm just saying.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I would like to take a moment to remind ZombieHunter of a few key points to consider when making his next firearm purchase while high.

ZH, when you answer "no" to question 11.e on the Federal Form 4473, which reads,"Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimuland, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" and then sign the form certifying your answers as "true, correct, and complete" you have just committed a felony.

You would probably never be caught and charged with such a crime by and of itself. If, however, you were to be arrested for marijuana posession and have a gun in your posession, the 4473 would be used as evidence against you to add more crimes and more time... I'm just saying.

But, you don't have to fill out a 4473 to purchase a firearm. Just don't purchase from an FFL holder.

As for the 4473 being used against you, they would have to have evidence that you were an unlawful user at the time immediately surrounding the purchase. If your lawyer tells you to plea out on such a thing, fire them and find a better one.
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