Riots and Looting...the best way to get "Justice"

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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All i know is this **** is rediculous.

"People" need to learn how to fn act!!

That's what ya get when you let people get by with this kinda ****.

That is all.................


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
All i know is this **** is rediculous.

"People" need to learn how to fn act!!

That's what ya get when you let people get by with this kinda ****.

That is all.................

This would be the bottom line as far as I am concerned also. Seems some of the folks in Ferguson feel the same way we do. Glad to see them stepping up and trying to work with the police officers on the ground to put a stop to the nonsense that is going on there.

Commander Keen

Special Hen
Oct 2, 2009
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and now...St Louis PD just shot another one for stealing from a convience store....

in Ferguson the 6'4" 300lb'er was walking down the middle of the street and the cop told him to walk on the can make a pretty good guess at the dialog following those instructions...

the recent shooting in St Louis resulted in the death of the "suspect"...

it looks to me like Darwin was on to something.....

You might give a little more information related to the incident:

When police arrived, they say the man charged the officers with the knife more than once.* The second time they opened fire. Witnesses report him saying, "Kill me."

ETA: now with less link fail


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Why wait until all hell has broken loose to release that type of information? Because it is likely BS. They would have released that info immediately. If Brown hit him hard enough to fracture the eye socket, he would have been concussed at best. I have had experience with this, adrenaline only get's you so far. It would have been unlikely that the officer would have been able to even see well enough to point the gun, much less hit him 6 times. Blurred and double vision are the first, immediate symptoms, and that does not go away within a few minutes, it takes a long time, depending on the severity of the fracture.

Let me say this- I don't give a rats ass about this deal. A kid got dead, a cop shot him. I don't know the details, neither does anyone else apparently, BUT a lot of this tension could have been avoided by releasing the details of Officer Wilson's injuries, especially if they are severe like a fractured socket would be. I have been there, it is not a small issue, it is very dangerous to your vision and can even cause death (blood clot to the brain). Not a minor detail.

Not saying I believe it, not saying I don't, but Ferguson PD's credibility is shot by NOT releasing this type of info earlier.

I dont think hes totally incorrect. The timing and release of facts and reports are 100% controlled by Ferguson PD. They are following a very set publicity plan. There is a proven method they are following by releasing information. They are in complete control......and they should be held responsible and accountable.

It aint the citizens who are playing games, its the city Govt and Ferguson PD.

Well when this all shakes out, what are you guys going to say when the officer in fact DID sustain that injury and it's established that he did in fact fire and hit the guy multiple times, in the front no less? I'm sure Holder and crew will do their damnedest to skew the real facts, so at least you'll have that.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC
This would be the bottom line as far as I am concerned also. Seems some of the folks in Ferguson feel the same way we do. Glad to see them stepping up and trying to work with the police officers on the ground to put a stop to the nonsense that is going on there.

I feel bad for the people who have lived there a long time. There is some beautiful homes in North County and some beautiful areas. The media wants us to believe that this is a poor community of hard working people who have just been wronged by everyone "but themselves". STL did not build this to be a poor community. Over the years the trash, scum, and gangs moved in. People like the sweet little 300 lb boy that thought he could threaten and bully his way into getting anything he wanted. Most of the good people moved out and took big losses on their homes. The police tell people that if you get lost in North County "Don't stop" at the stop signs. It is better to have a cop see you run the sign and stop you. That way you can tell them you are lost. Car jacking, rape, assault, and murders happen here every night. Many of these are caused by these sweet little 300 lb kids that like to get high and force other to give in to what they want.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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IF he was actually injured, then I will be wrong, wouldn't be the first time. However, in the face of a huge protest, riots, etc, I don't see why they would not release said injury information before things got out of control. Get out in front of it, point out very quickly that the officer had sustained serious trauma to the face from the suspect. That right there would have put an end to all this. I have yet to see a picture or actual medical report showing these injuries. The reason why is because I don't think it happened. I think these reports are BS to fuel the fire.

The only sources are gateway pundit and a few other fringe outlets. Do you honestly believe the other outlets wouldn't be on that like a stink on roadkill?

I don't think the report is accurate, I don't think he has those injuries at all. The police released video of brown robbing the store to show that he was in fact a criminal, why would they not release proof that he seriously injured the cop? The simple answer is that they wouldn't. This is a BS story.
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