Ron Paul!

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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His speech indicates that he aligns himself with Classic Liberalism along the lines of Jefferson. Neo-Libertarians are Statist Republicans supporting aggressive foreign policy and military domination for the most part with a more casual attitude on social behavior (Neil Boortz is an example).

Boortz can be entertaining, but he does have a streak of Statism. My concern with Paul is that he does not seem to articulate his stance in a compelling manner. When dealing with the un-educated, it is imperative that he make some connection to make the points.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
Boortz can be entertaining, but he does have a streak of Statism. My concern with Paul is that he does not seem to articulate his stance in a compelling manner. When dealing with the un-educated, it is imperative that he make some connection to make the points.

True. He's speaks at a level above what the average citizen is able to comprehend (government schooling at it's best). And as a result those who are under-educated and uneducated have a difficult time grasping the concepts of Liberty and self ownership. He lacks the plastic look of Perry and Romney but runs circles around them in intellect which does him no good in a visual society. And because the average citizen doesn't understand him, they discount him as a kook. When something is different, ostracize it.

Every weeknight while I roll down to Dallas on my run I listen to Laura Ingraham just to listen to what the Neo-Con Warmongering Republicans are yammering about. Rarely does she speak of Dr. Paul. If she does it is in a dismissive manner. She'll mention Perry (she gets wet for him) and Romney, Bachmann, Huntsman, Cain, Santorum and Gingrich. Nary a word about Paul. Of course Ingraham, like most conservative talk show yappers rarely mention the issues in context to and with the Constitution. They instead focus on Republican Party policies and ideology which for the most part have nothing in common with the Constitution.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
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McClain County

This makes me happy. Still I'm afraid that the media wants Perry to win the Republican nomination. It's like Bernard Cohen wrote in that the media may not have much success telling us what to think but they are stunningly successful at telling what to think about. Despite debate and straw poll results, the media will declare one or two candidates to be frontrunners and ignore the rest. They will attempt to use their agenda setting power to make Ron Paul disappear.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Despite debate and straw poll results, the media will declare one or two candidates to be frontrunners and ignore the rest. They will attempt to use their agenda setting power to make Ron Paul disappear.

They already have. Notice Perry and Romney are the only ones getting any serious coverage, and in any debates set up, they are both put right in the center, and most questions are geared towards them and their answers. They’re given the most time, and the most respect. The media has chosen which of the two shysters pulled from the same pool they want you to vote for. The U.S. Ministry of Propaganda is a powerful thing, for sure. It’s amazing to me how much the conservative right gripes about the MSM, yet they are too blind to see that the MSM steers them in the direction they want them to go, and they are more than willing followers.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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And in a speech yesterday Paul says he would like to have Dennis Kucinich on his cabinet. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

And wonder boy Rick Perry's Texas job record looks sterling when combined with his warm fuzzy for illegal immigrants:

The center found that of the 279,000 jobs created in Texas since the second quarter of 2007, 225,000 - about 80 percent - went to legal and illegal immigrants. The center says that while “no estimate of illegal immigration is exact,” at least 40 percent of the job recipients were illegal immigrants.

You go, Rick! You're the kind of leader we need!

Oh, wait, wait....what's this from Houston?

Charles says those who run organized, largely Hispanic crews almost never hire willing African-American laborers.
"Oh no, blacks they are out of the question. Blacks are out of the question. Nobody wants a black person in there," Charles insisted, a Mexican-American man.
The practice of rejecting black labor is deeply entrenched discrimination which extends to white workers as well, Charles says.
These men and women are effectively cut off from decent-paying construction jobs by secretive Mexican labor gangs.
"They are afraid that white people are not going to put up with their unethical acts," Charles explained.

"Unethical acts" being bribes. Hell yeah, Rick - let 'em all in!

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