Bill O Reilly is one of those uneducated douche heads. He equated buying an AK with buying a real bazooka the other night. Its not just libs that are ignorant and want to limit our freedoms. The enemy is on both sides.
Actually? No. The reason FUDD's have a stereotype is because a sizeable percentage of them fit the mold. I enjoy shooting skeet and hunting quail also, but some of the guys who embody those sports are elitist pr!cks. Their flavor of firearm is just fine, but mine should be banned in their eyes.
I have no use for them whatsoever. :finger:
3 people voted yes. Must be skeet shooters or quail hunters.
Mr. 357sig i cannot agree with you more, i cannot believe that 4 people on this site voted yes, i am a LEO and i have been asked several times if i would enforce another AWB and i can tell you right now i swore to protect the Constitution of the United States, and the laws of this great state, which means i swore to protect "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". to me that means no laws of any kind on any weapon, and yes my belief will have people hate me and say things and may even have some on this site try to combat my views, but tell me what part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" is not understandable and i will talk about changing my views.
Well crap. I guess I'll have to sell my dog, SXS shotguns, and stay with the AR to be credible in your version?
All skeet shooters and quail hunters fall into this catagory?
Pheasant hunters and trap shooters are ok then?
Deer hunters? Where do they fit into this?
Come on Lurker. You voted. Ya know ya did.