Thanks, flatwins, not a bad bimmer you have there yourself, either. There's something about classics that's, well, classic.
I have to give all the credit for the look to my dad. He had the work done, and it's a far sight from what it was when he was actually riding it. Blue metal flake, mini-apes, a king and queen seat. Yeah, it was classic! It's unfortunate really. He literally rode it less than a mile after picking it up before the head gasket gave. That was it, and I drove the 1500 miles to pick it up and bring it back here. Aside from making vroom vroom noises while sitting on it in the garage, it hasn't run while it was in my possession, but it's close. I started to tear into it, but quickly got over my head. I have to admit, I'm chomping at the bit to start riding it. And I fully intend on riding the snot out of it. After all, it's a snortin norton, right?
I have to give all the credit for the look to my dad. He had the work done, and it's a far sight from what it was when he was actually riding it. Blue metal flake, mini-apes, a king and queen seat. Yeah, it was classic! It's unfortunate really. He literally rode it less than a mile after picking it up before the head gasket gave. That was it, and I drove the 1500 miles to pick it up and bring it back here. Aside from making vroom vroom noises while sitting on it in the garage, it hasn't run while it was in my possession, but it's close. I started to tear into it, but quickly got over my head. I have to admit, I'm chomping at the bit to start riding it. And I fully intend on riding the snot out of it. After all, it's a snortin norton, right?