The Desecration of Charlton Heston

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Dec 10, 2008
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Aug 15, 2012
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This was a total and complete deflection. My opinion on abortion is that it is murder and should be handled as a crime by the states like all other crimes are. There should not be a federal law protecting/prohibiting it. It should then be criminalized by the states as murder. Don't change the frickin' subject and talk to me like you know every angle I take.

My point is, when name-calling and childish vocabulary enter a conversation, that conversation is over and you've lost the respect of both sides. One can be respectful and truthful without resorting to PC-ness.

Finally, Obama is not my lord and savior, only I can save myself, because I am an independent and self-reliant citizen. Nice job on the 1) wrong and uncalled for assumptions, 2) assumption I'm a modern liberal, and 3) and complete deflection of bringing the hot-button issue of abortion in. Nice way to get this thread locked up.

The reason I went to that specific topic (infanticide, not abortion)...the reason I did that, is to explain a possible reason why people mock 0bama so much with avatars, and name-calling, etc...when you have no respect for someone, it is easy to do...I provided a good reason why he loses all his credibility by being for the murder of live babies OUTSIDE the womb...that was no a was to give a reason why some people might mock him and despise him so much.

I mean think of it this way...he was for the killing of live babies...what if he was a child molester? I mean every time you saw him on TV making some big speech, could you take him seriously then? Think about it...the comment was made about people disrespecting the man and I explained a possible reason...there was no deflection, you are wrong.

And no, I was not talking about ABORTION so don't lock the thread..I was talking about infanticide....nobody with any credibility can make a good argument in favor of that...but 0bama is a link from Drudge today where they argue for a woman's POST-BIRTH right to abortion:

I have no dog in this fight, but I have to say... Wow.

LOL yes it was nice to see someone backing me up...Braggs is in this culture war too so kudos to him too.
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Nov 1, 2010
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That got me thinking. With very few exceptions, like The Mask, I can't really think of any movie in which he fired a weapon.
Here's a few I'm pretty sure that he didn't fire a weapon.

Defending/supporting a liberal.

He's the duly elected POTUS.

Alex Jones is a demagogue. He sales the cue to an illness he claims you have.

Defending a liberal and attacking a conservative.

Charlton Heston was, by all accounts, a great man. Married to the same woman for 60+ years. Fought in WWII. Fought against discrimination long before it was popular in Hollywood to do so. And it's a bit ironic that for most of his life, he would have been disparaged on this board as a libby. He was a democrat and supported democrats running for POTUS. And he was actually a stanch advocate for gun control, once saying, "AK-47's are inappropriate for private ownership, of course". He helped get the 1968 Gun Control Act passed. It was not until later in his life he changed his political leanings.

Attacking/insulting a conservative (claiming he was a "libby") and supporting gun-control legislation.

Well, that's one way to look at it. The major component of the Gun Control Act of 1968 was the creation of the FFL system. As far as I know, he never, even as president of the NRA, supported repealing that act. There's no reason to believe he felt he was wrong or had to correct any of his previous actions. It wasn't until Wayne LaPierre started controlling NRA policy that the NRA adapted the stance that anyone that supports any form of gun control was a "gun grabber".

Personal interpretation of someone else's opinions essentially putting your own words in their mouth (insinuating Hesston supported gun control legislation because he didn't oppose it). Simply being the president of the NRA should be enough evidence of being against gun control. Again, attacking a conservative.

As I pointed out, he didn't, in fact, change. He never repudiated his support for the gun control laws he helped to enacted. There's no reason to believe that he didn't think the FFL (which, as you know, greatly limits interstate gun sales) system was appropriate. He was an opponent of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, no question about that. But, he didn't label proponents "gun grabbers". He didn't use the kind of demagoguery that the NRA uses today. He was a man of principle and class.

This is yet another personal interpretation and an imaginary scenario about what someone else was thinking and is contrived from the lack of information which cannot be considered fact. Again, another attack on a conservative and supporting gun control legislation. Imaginary scenarios are the tool of liberals because they operate in an fantasy world of rainbows and butterflies.

Just because you don't consider yourself to be a liberal or gun-control supporter doesn't mean that you aren't one, especially when the general idea in all your messages is to the contrary (supporting liberals and attacking conservatives). You're living in a fantasy world where you think that acting like Rambo on the weekend means you're a conservative despite fawning Obama during the week.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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Apparently using your brain and not group thinking with the rest of the pickup truck Budweiser conservatives makes you a liberal in Bragg's and sh00ter's red, white, and blue book.

Excuse me for trying to get across that being abrasive and blatantly disrespectful will accomplish nothing but feeding your own hate-boner. We must be able to make firm and Constitutionally-based argument if we want to accomplish anything.

And excuse Ace for having a different opinion than y'all and for bringing some uncomfortable history into the discussion. Don't let history get in your way.

Keep agitated and carry on.



Nov 1, 2010
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We must be able to make firm and Constitutionally-based argument if we want to accomplish anything.

It's in the original text right here: "shall not be infringed."

ANY LAW that infringes (encroaches, violates, limits, or otherwise punishes (by way of taxes and fees)) the right of the people to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional and therefore illegal.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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It's in the original text right here: "shall not be infringed."

ANY LAW that infringes (encroaches, violates, limits, or otherwise punishes (by way of taxes and fees)) the right of the people to bear arms is unconstitutional and therefore illegal.

Something we can agree on...we should be able to own suppressed, FA, and short weapons without regulation.


Jan 24, 2013
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Defending/supporting a liberal.

In your world, stating a fact, is defending a liberal. Got it. Care to dispute the fact?

Defending a liberal and attacking a conservative.

Stating that Obama is the POTUS is defending him? We are way down the rabbit hole now.

Attacking/insulting a conservative (claiming he was a "libby") and supporting gun-control legislation. Personal interpretation of someone else's opinions essentially putting your own words in their mouth (insinuating Hesston supported gun control legislation because he didn't oppose it). Simply being the president of the NRA should be enough evidence of being against gun control. Again, attacking a conservative.

I would strongly suggest you do some modicum of research.

6,500 people are murdered every year with firearms in these United States. This is an outrage and when it is compared with the far, far lower rates in other free countries, it is intolerable. Like most Americans, we share the conviction that stronger gun control legislation is mandatory.

Certainly, that's why he supported Robert Kennedy in 1968. When RFK's assassination made his supporters feel like they hit a brick wall at 100 mph, the normally unflappable Heston was also in an emotional state. Rounding up his Hollywood friends, he and they went on "The Joey Bishop Show", which was ABC's late-night answer to NBC's Johnny Carson in the late 1960's. On this show, Heston, Kirk Douglas, Jimmy Stewart and Gregory Peck all appeared on the show together and told Bishop they were supporting the passing of the Gun Control Act that was up for vote in Congress that week

Heston campaigned for Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election and became critical of lax gun laws in the aftermath of Kennedy’s assassination.

A registered Democrat for many years...

This is yet another personal interpretation and an imaginary scenario about what someone else was thinking and is contrived from the lack of information which cannot be considered fact. Again, another attack on a conservative and supporting gun control legislation. Imaginary scenarios are the tool of liberals because they operate in an fantasy world of rainbows and butterflies.

Just because you don't consider yourself to be a liberal or gun-control supporter doesn't mean that you aren't one, especially when the general idea in all your messages is to the contrary (supporting liberals and attacking conservatives). You're living in a fantasy world where you think that acting like Rambo on the weekend means you're a conservative despite fawning Obama during the week.

And the fact the sun is out doesn't mean it's daytime...


Jan 24, 2013
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It's in the original text right here: "shall not be infringed."

ANY LAW that infringes (encroaches, violates, limits, or otherwise punishes (by way of taxes and fees)) the right of the people to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional and therefore illegal.

When the police show up to a mass shooting, and the shooter is there, still armed, the police have no right to disarm him? You support prisoners having access to fully automatic weapons? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be prisoners for very long if they did. Which would pretty much make all laws unenforceable. The 2nd is unlimited. That's an interesting notion.


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
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Never let a good crisis go to waste. Lot of wisdom on this site from some good people. I'm old enough to not trust either party complicity but do trust certain individuals from both parties a little farther than I could throw them.

Bears repeating.

Chuck was a guy M Moore exploited late in life. There's a reason people like Moore don't try to pull their crap on the Nugents and Vickers and countless others of the world.

That incident more than any other, when Moore sandbagged both Moses and Judah Ben Hur, made me mad.

"Soylent Green Is People!"


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Nothing any of us say here will make any difference...the hope is that you can change the heart/mind of just one uninformed soul, but even that is doubtful...there are those that will gleefully eat their soylent green and those who won't...

"Bring in the scoops..."

PS, I respect everyone's opinion and their right to state it.

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