The Desecration of Charlton Heston

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Nov 1, 2010
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In your world, stating a fact, is defending a liberal. Got it. Care to dispute the fact?

Claims about Jim Carey's perceived innocence in the topic (guns are bad) was outed by you when you admitted he used them in The Mask movie. Additionally, his character in the movie Dumb and Dumber also used a gun to kill Mary's husband in his imagination. The fact that he played the role of a "villain" at all in any of his movies or used a gun against someone in his movies makes him a hypocrite. Additionally, having armed bodyguards in real life make him a double hypocrite.

I recognize the debate tactic, though, trying to portray him as a good guy by showing all the positive marketing points while ignoring all the negatives. Food product manufacturers use this tactic all the time on their packaging, mentioning all the "healthy" marketing points while ignoring the bad ones. It's selective marketing and, yes, this is defending and supporting a liberal by painting him as innocent when he is not.

The fact that you are capable of employing such an advanced debate tactic combined with the historical knowledge of an impromptu topic suggests to me you are a marketing professional likely hired to participate in debates such as this with the intention of swaying public opinion.

Stating that Obama is the POTUS is defending him? We are way down the rabbit hole now.

Obama wasn't "duly elected" in ANY county in Oklahoma in the last election. He's not my president and he's not the president of ANY county in Oklahoma. He's a liberal usurper who has infiltrated this nation and is destroying it piece by piece.

6,500 people are murdered every year with firearms in these United States. This is an outrage and when it is compared with the far, far lower rates in other free countries, it is intolerable. Like most Americans, we share the conviction that stronger gun control legislation is mandatory.

32,885 people were killed in car crashes last year. This is an outrage that quintuples the murder rate. Should we outlaw cars?

Rounding up his Hollywood friends, he and they went on "The Joey Bishop Show", which was ABC's late-night answer to NBC's Johnny Carson in the late 1960's. On this show, Heston, Kirk Douglas, Jimmy Stewart and Gregory Peck all appeared on the show together and told Bishop they were supporting the passing of the Gun Control Act that was up for vote in Congress that week


Heston campaigned for Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election and became critical of lax gun laws in the aftermath of Kennedy’s assassination.


A registered Democrat for many years...

And yet he realized the errors of his ways registering with the republicans in the 1980s, became the poster child for constitutional rights (with the "cold, dead hands" catch-phrase), and served as the president of the NRA:

And the fact the sun is out doesn't mean it's daytime...

Unrealistic argument that attempts to discredit me and draw people away from seeing the lies and misdirection in your debate responses.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Great, now how about we control our urge to throw "liberal" in face of anyone who disagrees with you. I believe real liberals use the word "racist" in the same manner.

Dude I get called a liberal all the time for my positions on pollution, the food supply, vaccines, just have to have thick skin. Also, it is possibly a reverse tactic...I saw some ultimatums issued by ACE so perhaps Braggs is using that ultimatum tactic right back at him by saying he is liberal...I never called anyone a liberal that I remember, but if I had and it was an honest assessment of their ideology based on their positions, then it is not just simple name least he did not call him a poo poo head LOL. I am concerned on how well-prepared ACE was to defend the liberal potions it possible he is an Agent Provocateur??? :)


Nov 1, 2010
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Dude I get called a liberal all the time for my positions on pollution, the food supply, vaccines, just have to have thick skin. Also, it is possibly a reverse tactic...I saw some ultimatums issued by ACE so perhaps Braggs is using that ultimatum tactic right back at him by saying he is liberal...I never called anyone a liberal that I remember, but if I had and it was an honest assessment of their ideology based on their positions, then it is not just simple name least he did not call him a poo poo head LOL. I am concerned on how well-prepared ACE was to defend the liberal potions it possible he is an Agent Provocateur??? :)

I smell a rat same as you. I don't know about an "agent provocateur" but probably a mole trying to win debates in public forums to destabilize the opinions of the fine patrons of this shooters association . For sure it's a liberal posing as a conservative based on my assessment of his ideology and positions supporting other liberals and attacking conservatives. I'm not buying it. I see through the disguise.


Jan 24, 2013
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Claims about Jim Carey's perceived innocence in the topic (guns are bad) was outed by you when you admitted he used them in The Mask movie. Additionally, his character in the movie Dumb and Dumber also used a gun to kill Mary's husband in his imagination. The fact that he played the role of a "villain" at all in any of his movies or used a gun against someone in his movies makes him a hypocrite. Additionally, having armed bodyguards in real life make him a double hypocrite.

I recognize the debate tactic, though, trying to portray him as a good guy by showing all the positive marketing points while ignoring all the negatives. Food product manufacturers use this tactic all the time on their packaging, mentioning all the "healthy" marketing points while ignoring the bad ones. It's selective marketing and, yes, this is defending and supporting a liberal by painting him as innocent when he is not.

The fact that you are capable of employing such an advanced debate tactic combined with the historical knowledge of an impromptu topic suggests to me you are a marketing professional likely hired to participate in debates such as this with the intention of swaying public opinion.

A poster, deli_llama, wrote about Jim Carey: I also cannot think of a movie he has been in where he did not fire a weapon. Interesting paradox there.

I replied: That got me thinking. With very few exceptions, like The Mask, I can't really think of any movie in which he fired a weapon.

Here's a few I'm pretty sure that he didn't fire a weapon.
Once Bitten
Peggy Sue Got Married
The Dead Pool
Earth Girls Are Easy
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Liar Liar
The Truman Show
Simon Birch
Man on the Moon
The Majestic
Bruce Almighty
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Yes Man
I Love You Phillip Morris
A Christmas Carol
Mr. Popper's Penguins
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

Do you see Dumb and Dumber on that list? Did you note I said with few exceptions? Care to try again? Facts, they concern you not.

Obama wasn't "duly elected" in ANY county in Oklahoma in the last election. He's not my president and he's not the president of ANY county in Oklahoma. He's a liberal usurper who has infiltrated this nation and is destroying it piece by piece.

Nice to know you have so little respect for this country and the laws that govern it.

32,885 people were killed in car crashes last year. This is an outrage that quintuples the murder rate. Should we outlaw cars?

That quote was from Charlton Heston, not me. Imagine that.

And yet he realized the errors of his ways registering with the republicans in the 1980s, became the poster child for constitutional rights (with the "cold, dead hands" catch-phrase), and served as the president of the NRA:

Yet he never worked to repeal the 1968 Gun Control Law that he helped pass and he never took the stance that all forms of gun control are unconstitutional.

Unrealistic argument that attempts to discredit me and draw people away from seeing the lies and misdirection in your debate responses.

Unrealistic argument? Like that the 2nd is unlimited. A view held by maybe a few hundred people in the entire country. I notice you ignored my question about prisoners having access to firearms. Wonder why that is? No, I really don't wonder, I know.


Jan 24, 2013
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Dude I get called a liberal all the time for my positions on pollution, the food supply, vaccines, just have to have thick skin. Also, it is possibly a reverse tactic...I saw some ultimatums issued by ACE so perhaps Braggs is using that ultimatum tactic right back at him by saying he is liberal...I never called anyone a liberal that I remember, but if I had and it was an honest assessment of their ideology based on their positions, then it is not just simple name least he did not call him a poo poo head LOL. I am concerned on how well-prepared ACE was to defend the liberal potions it possible he is an Agent Provocateur??? :)

Maybe I'm an educated person who doesn't take a position I'm not willing and able to defend? Or, I could be a well paid plant, part of the vast left wing conspiracy to disarm Americans and install the New World Order. You pick.


Nov 1, 2010
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Nice to know you have so little respect for this country and the laws that govern it.

That quote was from Charlton Heston, not me. Imagine that.

Yet he never worked to repeal the 1968 Gun Control Law that he helped pass and he never took the stance that all forms of gun control are unconstitutional.

Unrealistic argument? Like that the 2nd is unlimited. A view held by maybe a few hundred people in the entire country. I notice you ignored my question about prisoners having access to firearms. Wonder why that is? No, I really don't wonder, I know.

You've only identified that I'm more conservative than Charlton Heston. Not hard to do considering he spent much of his life interacting with liberals in Cali.


Jan 24, 2013
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You've only identified that I'm more conservative than Charlton Heston. Not hard to do considering he spent much of his life interacting with liberals in Cali.

That's what known as a backtrack. No worries, I don't blame you. Heck, I like you. When we install the New World Order government, I'll put in a good word for you. See if I can keep you out of the "Bad Apple" line.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Maybe I'm an educated person who doesn't take a position I'm not willing and able to defend? Or, I could be a well paid plant, part of the vast left wing conspiracy to disarm Americans and install the New World Order. You pick.

"Left to themselves, things always go from bad to worse." - that quote would suggest totalitarian beliefs would it not? I tend to look further past that law and say all things will "self-correct" eventually without having to have a bazillion rules...of course I want enough government to prevent anarchy and have rule of law...but I could not resist feeding off of your last post :)

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