The Mid-Term Election thread

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Aug 14, 2012
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Lots of people "live through" administrations with little to no clue as to what and how economics work. Hence Obama got elected twice and some people were misinformed enough to vote for him... twice. Everything I said is easily referenced. Your only defense is well.... the other guy is just as bad.... and that's to be expected from what I've seen. Fact remains, the Dems have a history of little to no clue when it comes to economics.

Did you follow politics and the economy during Reagan/Bush/Clinton years? Depending on your age a person would have to be taught economic history in college or live through it.

I'm not saying or insinuating your not knowledgeable about it but to really grasp it, it helps to have lived it. Much like the depression. Today's "economists and politicians" can reference it and spew it out there but they learned it from a book. Not the same.


Aug 14, 2012
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If they ever split off and form a real party I will leave the GOP in a heartbeat. Of course I bother to find out about them instead of just believe everything my liberal masters tell me.

So you are a Republican, posing as a Tea Partier. Correct me if I'm wrong but ain't Tea Partiers very principled ppl. Like they wouldn't compromise and support some Anti gun, pro choice, big Govt, Universal healthcare, RINO?

IF that's what you did then I find it hard to believe your a real Tea Party guy. Sounds like you are more of a typical Republican posing as a Tea Partier. Cruz wouldn't compromise.


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Jun 13, 2005
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Did you follow politics and the economy during Reagan/Bush/Clinton years? Depending on your age a person would have to be taught economic history in college or live through it.

I'm not saying or insinuating your not knowledgeable about it but to really grasp it, it helps to have lived it. Much like the depression. Today's "economists and politicians" can reference it and spew it out there but they learned it from a book. Not the same.

Sorry but the age thing just isn't gonna work, not that it matters because we are talking about the Clinton years and I remember them just fine. Do the math if you feel the need but I remember the bubble quite well.

Feel free to add any critical thinking on the matter, other than stating that you lived through it. Lots of people did. I'm not taking away from Clinton completely, but your comments about Bush like he crashed the economy are again misinformed to say the least.

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