Those of you who know Grumpy ...

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Ok fellas!! Y'all have no idea how much I appreciate the thoughts, prayers and offers to help out. I am good. Scott's brother and his wife showed up today.

Surprised the **** out of me. It's not like they live down the street -- more like the East Coast. I spoke to them on the phone last night and I guess they caught the first flight out that they could find but didn't tell me they were coming. I came back from running to the house to let the kids in so they could mow for me (and I could pay them) and came back and there they were!! I am SO happy they are here! He has been quite a bit more responsive since he heard his brother's voice.

I am beyond happy because now Scott won't be alone up here ever. One of us will be here with him 24/7 for at least the next week. The nurses have been so helpful. They found me a recliner that is actually quite comfy so I can stay overnight and his brother can cover for me for a couple of hours morning and evening so I can take care of the critters, shower and handle anything else that pops up.

He is resting so much better now. But then again propofol will do that to you. 😉 His pneumonia is still getting worse so they are doing a biopsy this afternoon. May wind up changing his antibiotics. Already took the x-rays but I didn't get a look at them and I don't have yesterday's to compare them to.

His blood sugar is still high. He has blood in his urine again. His heart and lungs are full of fluid. Electrolytes are ****ed (potassium, sodium, magnesium, that sort of thing). Not exactly unexpected. Basically this whole adventure is an extremely difficult balancing act. We get one thing straightened out and another thing or three goes haywire.

The doc says the next 48 hours will tell us a lot about how the rest of his stay will go.

Again I cannot tell you guys what a comfort your kindness has been to me. I am so grateful for the friendship each and every one of you have extended to Scott and me. Thank you all.
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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Nope not Covid. Myasthenia gravis.
Patti, this disease/condition is no joke. My father in law was diagnosed with it about three years ago and has come really close to dying from “attacks” 4 times, BUT once they get his medication lined out, Scott should be able to get back to a normal life.
I’ll definitely be praying for y’all.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 26, 2012
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It's good to have family (you get along with) show up.

This is so, I don't know the word, other than ...odd.
Our grandson (20 months old) had a huge problem over Labor day weekend when he woke up that Friday, a bit wobbly, fell down a few times and didn't get up. Later in the morning when his Dad set him on the floor, he just fell over and couldn't lift his head. His left eye started drooping as well. Quick run to the ER, then he got admitted.

He was worse by Sat morning, just a big wet noodle, couldn't really move much, Mom had to hold him like he was an infant. By mid afternoon on Sat there were three possibilities...
Miller Fisher
Myasthenia Gravis
Guillaine Barre

The Neuros were leaning toward Guillaine Barre and they started an infusion on Sat evening to help heal his nerves quicker (It's a 5 day infusion). After a few more days, all parties agreed on the diagnosis, GB.
Long story short, he was released on the following Thursday.

Holy hell, I couldn't believe it. I still don't.
He's now walking/running like he didn't have a problem although not as steady - yet.

That was a really scary 3 or 4 days seeing that little boy like that.

I never really thought too much about Myasthenia Gravis until a week or so ago, didn't know much about it, and then you post about Grumpy getting diagnosed. Kinda got a WTH feeling....

Again, hope all goes well.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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It's good to have family (you get along with) show up.

This is so, I don't know the word, other than ...odd.
Our grandson (20 months old) had a huge problem over Labor day weekend when he woke up that Friday, a bit wobbly, fell down a few times and didn't get up. Later in the morning when his Dad set him on the floor, he just fell over and couldn't lift his head. His left eye started drooping as well. Quick run to the ER, then he got admitted.

He was worse by Sat morning, just a big wet noodle, couldn't really move much, Mom had to hold him like he was an infant. By mid afternoon on Sat there were three possibilities...
Miller Fisher
Myasthenia Gravis
Guillaine Barre

The Neuros were leaning toward Guillaine Barre and they started an infusion on Sat evening to help heal his nerves quicker (It's a 5 day infusion). After a few more days, all parties agreed on the diagnosis, GB.
Long story short, he was released on the following Thursday.

Holy hell, I couldn't believe it. I still don't.
He's now walking/running like he didn't have a problem although not as steady - yet.

That was a really scary 3 or 4 days seeing that little boy like that.

I never really thought too much about Myasthenia Gravis until a week or so ago, didn't know much about it, and then you post about Grumpy getting diagnosed. Kinda got a WTH feeling....

Again, hope all goes well.
Generally, PLEX or IVIG infusions are given for GB or MG exacerbations. Some patients may need ventilatory support & good pulmonary toilet to prevent pneumonia & hypercapnia until recovered. Both are relatively rare disorders & need icu monitoring

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