Venezuelan gang takes complex in Chicago

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May 15, 2010
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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Thank God this will all be contained in just a few cities and will never spread - just like the black gang activity pretty much just stayed contained in southern California.

It's going to be everywhere in due time - this is what "diversity and inclusion" gets you. It's our greatest stremph.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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How soon before an allout war starts?

As illegal invader prison gangs fill the bastions of city safety and handouts, previously occupied by hood rat prison gangs. The 2 are bound to clash. The Dumbasscrap elite goobermint, the Tampon Timmys, will cry for gun control to disarm those that have their wages stolen, as taxes. LE will denigrate even more, into a military force of JBTs, dealing with general citizenship and sitting on the sidelines, watching cities burn, not dealing with the problem.

Have the Dumbasscraps taken us beyond the point of no return? Or finally forced the Civil War, they have so desperately campaigned for?
Oct 27, 2012
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It's going to be everywhere in due time - this is what "diversity and inclusion" gets you. It's our greatest stremph.
As Nancy Pelosi said, " Immigrants are more American than we are." (paraphrase)
"That hope, that optimism, that courage, that determination to make the future better for your family, that's an American value. So every immigrant who comes with those ideals makes America more American," she said.
Oct 12, 2017
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To implement change in the future demographics of.our voting population, the functional leadership of the Democrat Party has employed political strategists of uncertain pedigrees to chart a path towards their ultimate goal (ascent to power in a one party system). It appears that the political persuasion of their strategists was never questioned, and their selections were, in all probability, based on their effectiveness rather than useless vestigial attributes like honesty or integrity. I say this because the ultimate effects from their efforts on our society are the sacrifice of the welfare and safety of our citizens, and the endangerment of our national security in favor of invading hordes of aggressive, belligerent, hostile individuals whose only discernible objectives are proving to be lawless plundering from the rightfully owned resources of our own people. Because this political strategy is undermining to our nation’s security, draining our economy and unjust to our citizens, it calls into question the real motives of the strategists, themselves……, and this only one facet of the Democrat attack plan.

While this invasion of foreign nationals pouring across our borders is an overt frontal attack, it is accompanied with pincer attack from its flanks in the form of deliberate conspiratorial effort to undermine the integrity of our voting system and a a simultaneous usurpation of our system of justice to unlawfully support the Democrat agenda by persecuting opponents and blocking legal efforts to insure integrity in our voting process. Adding to this treason is the fact that enormous amounts of money has been poured into the Democrat Party from foreign sources. And Democrats had the audacity to scream in feigned outrage over Hillary Clinton’s calamitous fabricated Russian Dossier (handed to the FBI by the ‘renowned’ patriot, John McCain) accusing the truly patriotic, legitimate 45th President of these here United States of America, Donald J. Trump, of colluding with a foreign power. Never mind that George Soros (a foreign national) has funded numerous campaigns to place leftist District Attorneys strategic high density population urban areas. Look ——> SQUIRREL!!! , and only our Lord God Almighty knows how much he has contributed toward the most significant major campaigns of the ‘so called’ Democrats…..

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