What to do

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Apr 5, 2010
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had a neighbor to not maintain the fence. they got on my property more than once. the last time, i ran some to the north fence and let them through. ran some to the east side of the property and let them on the neighbor's place. ran the remainder to the west side and let them through the fence. the neighbor came through my 80 asking is i had seen his cows. i talked about how bad the fences are .... that i do not have cattle i saw their damage everywhere said that i had repaired down fence in several places. he would not offer to pay for their damage. i saw hime the next day trying to get his cattle separated from those that belonged on the north side. he had his trailer on that land and was having a heck of a time.

i had scattered his cattle all over the place and he figured this out sooner or later. that was almost 10 years ago and his cattle have never came accross the fence again. he repaired it.

the neighbor to the east - about 7 to 8 years ago - his cattle were on my place opening gun day feeders were down = broken the neighbor said taht i set the table for them too well as they were back later in the week. the cattle got onto my place at a creek ---- i built a fence that cut off about 150 by 50 feet area to keep the cattle away from the creek and poor fence. i can now drive around the creek / fence ...... it is on his property. he started to say something about this a couple of months ago and i shut him down fix fence or i will leave my fence up ..... my fence on his place is still there.

the county sherrif creek county said to pin up any strays he would check for ownership if after 30 days he would take to sale barn i would get my costs out of sale money.

i try to get along with my neighbors..... i work the access raod taht is used by 2 others and get no help ...... but i do stand my ground.

consider dispersing his cows - if you other neighbors have them this puts the neighbor on notice taht you are capable of doing

just play dumb

DEER 24/7

Dec 28, 2010
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well i talked to the cattles owner the son took over the cattle operation he looked to be in his early 20's i told him what they had done and he said he would get them out and repair the fence where they came through which he did. I ask him what he thought he should do to make it right. he said what are you talking about lol. i told him they cost me about $400 dollars in damages. i explained i could live with just money but i had that milo to pull deer in to my place and now its gone.I tried to explained to him that it was worth more then money to me. He allowed since his place does join mine he should be held accountable.Let me explain there is about 1200 aces that my place sits in middle of and i have no fence on to sides but the gentleman that has the land that borders me does'nt run cattle so its not a issue.So the cattle owner has a place that joins him.They get onto his land and come over to mine because of good food and a creek.He said he put in half of the fence new last year.So somebody else needs to put in other half.Bottom line i would have to take him to court to get anything.I am going to put a eletric fence on the two sides that does'nt a fence on it.And I told him if ever have his cattle on me again he better hope it is'nt a 300 to 600 lb steer or heifer because i gooing to eat it.I told him if i did I would let him know and left it at that


Special Hen
Jul 17, 2014
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So you are leasing this property what does the landowner say?
People around here split the price when replacing fence but they own the property. That guy is supposed to keep his cattle on his property regardless if the neighbor declines to help or pay for any fence. I would talk to the Sheriff and see what you should do. If you start shooting cattle that could get ugly. You do know that deer can make a heck of a mess with electric fence?

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