Where the Hell is our president?

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Special Hen
Jul 23, 2010
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A no-fly zone alone would have limited effectiveness because Col. Gadhafi could strike the city with ground forces, officials said.

The Obama administration doesn't plan to send any American ground troops to Libya, and wants any strikes to be conducted as part of a broad, U.N.-backed coalition.

"The U.S. doesn't want a war," an Obama administration official said. "But we want to prevent a slaughter."


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Reading comprehension is terrible. Several have noted that the thread started out about Libya but went to Japan. Sorry, but the first post did mention both.

As for the invisible president, I've had a theory for some tiime, albeit with absolutely no documentation to prove it, but here it is anyway.

Remember how it is that there is always someone claiming that "such and such" an event was caused by our actions in "name-your-region-of-choice" of the world? How many of those actions that we have done (or in this case, haven't done) could be laid at the feet of a Democrat controlled Congress or President?

Maybe our "missing" president is just following "tradition"?

How say you'all?


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
He abandoned the people of Libya. If I was president we'd have had a no-fly zone in hours. Don't need to put troops on the ground. Just level the playing field.
That's a bunch of bull. To create a no fly zone, first you have to attack the many ground positions with anti aircraft missiles and AAA. And the radar installations and the airports. IOW a full scale war. I would not sacrifice a single American for them.
The war hawks need to take a deep breath and think of the tens of thousands of casualties in Iraq and the accumulating casualties in Afghanistan and ask themselves what did we achieve that was worth that sacrifice and whether they would have any problem if their son was one of the casualties. If they answer yes, I don't think they care about their sons.
Me 4
Why is our president not speaking about the situation in Libya, even after he propmted the people of that nation to "rise up"?
The guy is a disaster, completely incompetent. With no will to intervene he prompts the Libyans to rise even though he has no plan. I hope he keeps paying golf, its best for all concerned.
So you have no problem expending resources you don't have in order to "help" someone else?

If so, I've got a long list of Oklahomans who could use your help. I'm sure you could put it on your card.
Very well said!!!
As well as the possibility of it costing American lives. I don't care if it makes me a selfish bastard; I have no desire to risk expending the lives of my own sons for the "liberation" of a country that will more than likely (continue to) be hostile towards the United States. I'm sick of Americans burying their kids for the bullsh*t games of our intrusive, runaway government. And I'm a Conservative.

From the movie "Taps" in the early 80s:

Especially if it's for someone else's cause.......

This post deals with Libya, not Japan.

Call me selfish, I would not sacrifice my sons for them. If I am not willing to see my kids die for the Libyans common decency dictates that I should not be supporting to send the sons of other Americans.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
The same cliques that chant "Government can't do anything right!" are now asking "Why doesn't the President do something?" :rollingla

The US imposed and enforced a 'No Fly" zone over Iraq for almost a decade and it didn't stop Saddam from killing the shiites and it didn't topple him from power.

It's probably different this time tho. :laugh6:


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
Many here need to remember Washington's words as he was leaving, to stay out of foreign entanglements. He was not the only one. Many of our founding fathers have also spoken
against getting involved in other people's business. How did that all of a sudden change to turn us in to world cops?
Help Libya? What about Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Indonesia, .... should I go on with nations that are not free?
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Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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Many here need to remember Washington's words as he was leaving, to stay out of foreign entanglements. He was not the only one. Many of our fathers have also spoke
against getting involved in other people's business. How did that all of a sudden change to turn us in to world cops?
Help Libya? What about Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Indonesia, .... should I go on with nations that are not free?

I want them to help the city of NikatVille.

While I agree with your sentiment, it seems the OP does not.

I suspect that both you and I will be disappointed.

Sadly this will probably prove true.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
Reaction score
Florida former Okie.
The 911 terrorist attack and the wars that followed, the bombing of Libya and the PanAm flight, the ridiculous security at the airports, the patriot act that now will be expanded to include other issues such as gun control, all these resulted from our foreign entanglements.
At some point we have to realize that for every action there can be a reaction and we have to consider that we may not like the reaction. Qaddafi threatened to strike back at foreigners that get involved in his internal affairs. We know that he got revenge for Reagan's bombing.
Our military is under the Department of Defense. I would like to see them work for our defense for a change.

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