What disqualifications does OK have that would allow someone to get their license in FL? Looking at their site I dont see anything that would disqualify someone in OK, that would allow them to obtain a FL permit. Also, most states now require you to have a permit from your homestate before obtaining a non-resident permit, so there wouldnt be any circumventing the process, just not renewing OK's. Another reason some people will obtain a non-resident perrmit is reciprocity. Since not all states have reciprocity agreements, a non-resident permit may grant you the ability to carry where your resident permit wont. On the flip side, some states dont recipricate non-resident permits, only resident permits.
No misdemeanor drug offenses is a biggie. If you search OSA for non-resident, you'll find plenty of people who do NOT have a resident permit and they are carrying on a non-resident permit. It is legal.