Why we need the NRA

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Why hasn't the GOA even been mentioned in this or any other round of school shootings? Look real deep and try to analyze this.
When your done, you will understand that the GOA isn't crap in the fight against the gun grabbers.
The opposition doesn't even mention them in their arguments. Never!
They don't oppose them because they do nothing but take your money.
If your happy with that, continue to waste your money sending it to them.
It's one thing to have a great web page and a line of BS that says your going to oppose gun grabbers while raking in your money, and then doing nothing legislative to help the 2A.
You might want to reference the first post in this thread listing the other gun organizations that are "supposed" to lobby for us, and we have never heard of them before yesterday when I posted them.
Money takers, vs actual advocates for gun owners.

they've done quite a bit. infact, they too hand out 'rating cards' for the candidates in your local district.

Like i said before, the NRA is peanuts on the lobbying world in terms of overall spending and lobbying. What gives the NRA power is that it has sway with it's membership. NRA members are active, reliable voters. that's what makes the NRA powerful. not just the $$$

also, the GOA cost a fraction of an NRA membership.

"The National Rifle Association does not have Republican ‘balls in a money clip,’ as (late-night TV host) Jimmy Kimmel put it the other night," Stephens wrote. "The NRA has donated a paltry $3,533,294 to all current members of Congress since 1998, according to The Washington Post, equivalent to about three months of Kimmel’s salary. The NRA doesn’t need to buy influence: It’s powerful because it’s popular."




Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Who would that be, and why are the liberals not putting him on the front page to be vilified?
This one guy has done more than the NRA?

lol just because the liberals put them up on the front page as a boogeyman to a bunch of folks who think an AR-15 is an automatic baby-killing death machine doesn't mean anything.

the NRA is the most well-known organization, with great visibility in the media. making it a great target for the libs and giving it a high profile.

but that doesn't mean that the GOA or the 2nd amendment foundation are not legitimate guns rights organizations fighting the good fight.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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why do we still suffer the hughes amendment, if not for the nra, and those politicians it's supported over the last 32 years?

dimitri karras. he's spent his time since leaving the marine corps getting untraceble firearms into as many hands as possible. do you know anybody who's local atf field office has filed a restraining order against?
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