WTH… can people be really this stupid? It’s got to be a joke🤣

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Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 30, 2010
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I don't have the need to watch Occasionally-Coherent or Spread Eagle,,,
I worked as an Instructional Support Specialist for a teaching college at a University.

Every day it seemed, some young person would do or say something,,,
That to us old timers indicated that they were not stupid,,,
Simply clueless as to how the real world works.

One day I was installing a few PC's at a long desk-like multi-PC work station,,,
I was literally jammed underneath the thing trying to install some cables,,,
I had my pocket flashlight but didn't notice the batteries were dead.

So rather than try to extricate myself from under the long work station,,,
I rolled it out on the floor and told one of the student workers,,,
Please go to the battery drawer, get two AA batteries,,,
And swap the dead ones out for fresh ones.

After a few minutes had gone by I asked what was taking so long,,,
I was actually in a bit of a bind under/behind that thing.

Getting impatient I "barked" out a command to hurry up,,,
The student worker burst into tears,,,
So I extricated myself.

I took the flashlight, dumped the bad batteries, and loaded two fresh ones,,,
"How friggin' hard was that?" i asked the 19 year old girl.

She started crying again and said,,,
"I've never had a flashlight with batteries before".

She wasn't a stupid girl by any means,,,
But she had no experience growing up in a world where everything wasn't disposable.

She also didn't know about the positive or negative end of the batteries,,,
So even if she had been able to swap them out,,,
There's no guarantee the light would work.

This isn't to show how dumb the young folk are nowadays,,,
But they have grown up in an environment so different from mine,,,
That their life experience hasn't been one of learning how to do anything but exist.

But that doesn't explain why a university senior,,,
Who is majoring in mathematics education,,,
Can't balance her checking account.

I had to show her how it is done.

She could do all of the math steps such as add and subtract (with her phone calculator),,,
But she had no idea how to set up the "word problem" to calculate her balance,,,
When I showed her the steps and walked her through them,,,
She admitted she was no good at "higher math".

She will be teaching math at a junior high next year,,,
I truly feel for any of her student who actually want to learn math skills.

Every day on that job I would get the hard feeling at least once,,,
That we have a generation of young adults who will be,,,
Totally dependent on others for their well being.



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