Big dog suprise!!

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I'm trying to recall the last time I saw a gun scale a 6' fence and shoot someone. A gun and a dog are two different things; a gun owner and a dog owner are two different things. Trying to relate the two is a false arguement.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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In recent years, the dogs responsible for the bulk of the homicides are pit bulls and Rottweilers:

"Studies indicate that pit bull-type dogs were involved in approximately a third of human DBRF (i.e., dog bite related fatalities) reported during the 12-year period from 1981 through1992, and Rottweilers were responsible for about half of human DBRF reported during the 4 years from 1993 through 1996....[T]he data indicate that Rottweilers and pit bull-type dogs accounted for 67% of human DBRF in the United States between 1997 and 1998. It is extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities." (Sacks JJ, Sinclair L, Gilchrist J, Golab GC, Lockwood R. Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998. JAVMA 2000;217:836-840.)

The Clifton study of attacks from 1982 through 2006 produced similar results. According to Clifton study, pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes were responsible for 65% of the canine homicides that occurred during a period of 24 years in the USA. (Clifton, Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to November 13, 2006; click here to read it.)

Other breeds were also responsible for homicides, but to a much lesser extent. A 1997 study of dog bite fatalities in the years 1979 through 1996 revealed that the following breeds had killed one or more persons: pit bulls, Rottweilers, German shepherds, huskies, Alaskan malamutes, Doberman pinschers, chows, Great Danes, St. Bernards and Akitas. (Dog Bite Related Fatalities," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, May 30, 1997, Vol. 46, No. 21, pp. 463 et. seq.) Since 1975, fatal attacks have been attributed to dogs from at least 30 breeds.

The most horrifying example of the lack of breed predictability is the October 2000 death of a 6-week-old baby, which was killed by her family's Pomeranian dog. The average weight of a Pomeranian is about 4 pounds, and they are not thought of as a dangerous breed. Note, however, that they were bred to be watchdogs! The baby's uncle left the infant and the dog on a bed while the uncle prepared her bottle in the kitchen. Upon his return, the dog was mauling the baby, who died shortly afterwards. ("Baby Girl Killed by Family Dog," Los Angeles Times, Monday, October 9, 2000, Home Edition, Metro Section, Page B-5.)

In Canine homicides and the dog bite epidemic: do not confuse them, it has been pointed out that the dog bite epidemic as a whole involves all dogs and all dog owners, not just the breeds most likely to kill.

In all fairness, therefore, it must be noted that:

■Any dog, treated harshly or trained to attack, may bite a person. Any dog can be turned into a dangerous dog. The owner or handler most often is responsible for making a dog into something dangerous.
■An irresponsible owner or dog handler might create a situation that places another person in danger by a dog, without the dog itself being dangerous, as in the case of the Pomeranian that killed the infant (see above).
■Any individual dog may be a good, loving pet, even though its breed is considered to be potentially dangerous. A responsible owner can win the love and respect of a dog, no matter its breed. One cannot look at an individual dog, recognize its breed, and then state whether or not it is going to attack.
To learn more about dog attacks, see Why dogs bite people To learn about how to take some of the bite out of the dog bite epidemic, see Attorney Kenneth Phillips' 10-point plan for Preventing Dog Bites.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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I've owned a few pitbulls. Most of the time its not the pitbulls that are just inherently evil it's their owners that are mean to them or teach them to be mean. They are really loving animals, the worst that any of mine would do would be lick you to death. A Golden Retriever can be just as mean, so can a chihuahua. I would much rather get rid of chihuahuas then pitbulls. It's tragic that attacks happens to children or anyone for that matter, but it's the owners fault not the dogs. I do agree that dogs that attack, pitbull or other wise should be put down. I would do the same if it were one of my animals.

You have to remember they don't want to lick me to death. That behavior is reserved for you, their owner. Anyone outside their circle is an intruder and will be dealt with as such.

I had some renters that had a boxer mutt that was aggressive towards me but was really a chicken when I didn't run but I saw him taking down a calf and had to shoot him. The renters said and I quote "He wouldn't even hurt a fly" and they were pissed at me and moved out. Some dog breeds are more aggressive just like certain breeds are good trackers, or herding, etc. Every breed has a purpose and pits are to defend and attack. It's just the way it is.

Also, the comparison between guns and dogs is very flawed. Dogs can act autonomously and guns are inanimate objects. Apples and oranges.


Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
was this dog papered? blood test confirm it was pit bull? nope I doubt it. Quite often unknown breeds are labeled as pits.

I remember rotts being the breed to fuss over in the 90s, now it's pits. I can introduce you to pits that aren't mine that are gentle and sweet - they might bark and be intimidating but wouldn't attack if you beat the snot out of them

Ferret attacks child

chihuahuas attack

GSD attack

Golden retriever attack

even here on wikipedia (not a great source) it says pit bull type because unconfirmed

hell I challenge any of you to a game


Please continue to show ignorance regarding the breed.


This thread is full of ignorance


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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was this dog papered? blood test confirm it was pit bull? nope I doubt it. Quite often unknown breeds are labeled as pits.

I remember rotts being the breed to fuss over in the 90s, now it's pits. I can introduce you to pits that aren't mine that are gentle and sweet - they might bark and be intimidating but wouldn't attack if you beat the snot out of them

Ferret attacks child

chihuahuas attack

GSD attack

Golden retriever attack

even here on wikipedia (not a great source) it says pit bull type because unconfirmed

hell I challenge any of you to a game


Please continue to show ignorance regarding the breed.

No one is saying that a Lab or other breed cannot attack. It is just less vicious than a pitbull attack. Jaw strength, etc. You get attacked by a lab and you have a scar, you get attacked by a pit, you lose a limb or are horribly disfigured.

What is the over under on how many posts till this thread gets locked?


Special Hen
Dec 7, 2007
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Must have been the owner(gillman) fault the labs were aggressive.

maybee it was an argentine dogo??

Could be, both of them were both rescue dogs. Beautiful dogs, normally sweet, just turned on a dime. The Dobie was a rescue also, he was a guard dog at a Salvage that did not distinguish between employees and intruders.

The great thing about the internet is the ability to show a myriad of people how truly ignorant you are. No longer do you have to wait until you meet someone for them to laugh at you and shake their heads in wonder....


Special Hen
Dec 19, 2009
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I understand that the Dog/Gun comparison is a fallacy. In many ways they are similar, but as many have said, a gun will not jump off the table and kill someone. I'm just stating that no dog breed is evil in and of itself. We all have the examples on both sides of the argument, but who is ultimately responsible for the dog's actions? The owner.
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