Camping out in the passing lane!!

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Special Hen
Aug 20, 2011
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"Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!"

If there is nobody in front of you, just move over. More traffic issues are caused by those driving "safely" 10 mph under the speed limit than wrecks caused by those going 10 over. I-40 is not for everybody, some folks need to see Reno :)

Larry Morgan

Special Hen
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
It's simple. Get off thier tail. Just like flashing flights and honking at left lane campers to get the F outta the way. Brake checking is just a reminder to you to BACK THE F OFF!!

Nowhere in my post did I say tailgating was the bee's knees, either. However, if there is someone tailgating you like crazy, they are probably already mad/annoyed. Brake checking them is only going to make them more mad and more likely to do something crazy/stupid/dangerous, which is why I consider it worse than tailgating. Rather than trying to get into a contest of "I'm right, your wrong" with someone, why not ignore them, then let them get over when you have a chance. I get tailgated plenty, especially in rush hour traffic, but no way will I ever brake check them. Especially since I'd rather not find out through metal to metal contact whether or not they were actually good enough of a driver to slow down or paying attention.

Moreover, the very nature of tailgating is considered dangerous because there is little buffer room for the driver behind to react in case of a rapid speed change of the driver in front. What do you do being the front driver? Brake check to rapidly change your speed! Just like adding fuel to the fire. How is that ever a good idea? (Unless you are talking about the types where people just tap the breaks enough to make the brake lights come on, in which case you might as well write "please don't tailgate me" on the back of your car, since they will both accomplish the same amount)


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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(Unless you are talking about the types where people just tap the breaks enough to make the brake lights come on, in which case you might as well write "please don't tailgate me" on the back of your car, since they will both accomplish the same amount)

If you see me tap on my back brake lights that means you are follwing too close. I don't put up with tailgaters when I'm going the speed limit on a narrow two lane road. I'll stop and I mean a complete stop. And then your free to pull around me at your leisure. I have no use for tailgaters regardless of how pissed off they are. Maybe they should get in anger management classes. If they wanna rear end me that's a choice they are free to make. Be prepared to pay the price.


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Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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As I get older, I still like to drive fast. However, I'm learning to be much more patient with inattentive (or simply slow witted) drivers who spend more time than necessary in the left lane.

I'm working on this one...

The inattentive drivers amaze me.

I would MUCH rather be around an aggressive driver paying attention than a slow driver with their head up, well... you know where.

Excellent advice. One time I was stopped at a light in Florida in a brand new truck. I look in my rear view and see an old Ford LTD top the hill behind me going way too fast. He slams on the brakes (in the rain) and the worn out shocks send the car into a nosedive. The bald tires lock up and he has zero control. I see that there's no way he can stop in time. I just slip it in gear, turn the wheel and pull over onto the shoulder. He finally comes to a stop, fully occupying the space I just vacated. I can still see the priceless look on his face. I have no doubt he had no insurance, so I probably saved my new truck an expensive repair job and a $500 deductible.

It pays to constantly do a 360 threat scan while driving and try to anticipate stupid driver tricks. :)

I had just about the same thing happen, in reverse. Was driving an old car, and just stopped at a 4 way stop on ice, and looking in my mirror (for this very reason), and see a super duty ford come over the hill about 100 yds back going 40+ I'd say.... on ice remember? So I pull right, and 4x4 Ford goes sliding through the intersection and on into the ditch on the far left side.

I don't get camping, or tail gating. I don't brake check either, but I have tapped my brakes to flash the lights at them. I don't get people driving with no lights in the rain or when it's just getting dark, or people driving with turn signals going perpetually, or not ever using them. Or people that act like parallel parking is rocket science, or people that can't seem to figure out how to maintain a constant speed, or people that "speed match". I REALLY don't get people who fail to notice a emergency vehicle that's lit up right behind them. I don't get people who constantly ride the brakes.

I drive fast, but not usually the fastest on the road; and I have no issues with my manhood or compliance with the law in letting faster drivers go by. If reasonable, I'll speed up a little to complete a pass to let faster drivers by sooner. I have consciously sped up or slowed down to break a rolling block due to an idiot speed matcher beside me.

I pay attention to traffic, and other cars; in order to prevent irritating some other driver, or to impede the flow of traffic. I don't understand those who don't pay attention, or would intentionally try to piss off other drivers.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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It's simple. Get off thier tail. Just like flashing flights and honking at left lane campers to get the F outta the way. Brake checking is just a reminder to you to BACK THE F OFF!! If I can't see your front bumper when your behind I darn sure will brake check you. Maybe your texting on your Iphone or something and just need a visual reminder. If that doesn't work and we are on a two lane road with no shoulder I will gradually come to a stop and allow you to pass me. Tailgaters are just freaking morons who in most cases shouldn't even have a license.

So their illegal act justifies your illegal act? Two wrongs don't make a right. Be the better person and handle things in a more positive manner, rather than stooping to their level. :(

Get off their tails and you won't get brake checked.

Oh - by the way - tailgaiting is illegal too and way more dangerous than brake checking.

You are wrong. Worse yet, you are justifying your illegal action when there is no justification. Just do the right thing and no one is the worse off. :(


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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The person who started this thread is advocating "brake checking" a "tailgater"?

Dude, you're not reading my words or comprehending them. Brake checking and tapping on the brake light are too different things. I don't slam on my brakes to get them too back off. I simply tap my brakes lights a couple of times to get their attention. Not any different then those that flash headlights at left lane campers.

Apparently you haven't driven the roads out here in Piedmont. There are no shoulders. Just ditches.There are very few places to pull over and let these morons pass. When the driver behind me insists on riding my tail so close that headlights are blinding me I simply stop and allow him to pass me. Thus desclating the stituation.

If you can't handle that then don't be a tailgater. There is no need in that. It's not gonna make the person in front of you go any faster. If anything it will have the opposite affect.

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