Have you lost interest in guns?

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Aug 21, 2015
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I got into guns back just toward the end of the AWB and really enjoyed the plethora of cheap milsurps that were to be had. All that stuff is virtually gone unless you're willing to sink real money into them and that's kept me rather flittering around the gun hobby for years. I build an AR now and again and dabble with interesting pistols but overall the thrill is sorta gone with the market being what it is. There's still some stuff I'd like to so but a lot of it's ancient history now. I feel bad for young folks that got into this stuff late that will never know how it was, and I suppose folks older than me feel the same way. I'll always be sufficiently equipped and get a little practice in now and then, but shooting without having to socialize to one degree or another has kinda dampened that as well. Folks that can shoot on their own land are very lucky, I haven't been able to in fifteen years or more now.
I've also got a handful of other expensive time consuming hobbies that I cycle through so it's never been an all encompassing thing.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 30, 2010
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This is a with a yes & no answer.

Yes, I have lost interest in "guns",,,
Meaning that for close to 20 years now,,,
I bought a lot of different guns because I wanted to own them.

In my retired state I still have some money to buy more guns,,,
But I find that I'm no longer excited by the acquisition of a new-2-me fiery-arm.

But, I do find that I still go to the range as often as before if not more often,,,
I just shoot the same three rifles and two pistols more regularly,,,
So that's a firm "no" as far as interest in shooting goes.




Special Hen
Jul 22, 2020
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Working in the industry (4 retailers, 2 States, 5 years, corporate and family owned as well as a pawn) ((I know 5 years isn’t a long time)) will whittle away at your passion for firearms. At least that is my and some good friends experience.

Probably just goes a long with what some say, “don’t work in your hobby field” or something along those lines.

You get tied up in the consumption of product rather than the enjoyment. I know myself and friends just get generally worn out with it at work and then hardly want to go shoot. (Price of ammo and price/lack of good shooting venue doesn’t help).

I’ve started to want to build stuff more than ever, which is a rabbit hole in and of itself. Hoping to get a little fire back for shooting this deer season, but also hoping to get what I need during archery, so maybe hogs or coyotes in the new year.


Special Hen
Aug 18, 2020
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Far East Okrahoma, USA
I've owned pretty much every gun and knife ever wanted, at one time or another, and a very impressive list it would make of eras, makers and money spent.

But, have never been a hoarder, and once I experienced THIS, or did THAT, especially in proficiency with firearms, and with shooting experience in excess of half a century and having known some of the finest shooters and authors of the age...

well, most went away with notable exceptions of replacing some sold off at least two and three times, and what is on-hand today a pretty small and humble assortment...

Where I shoot enough to keep my hand in with decent proficiency, although nothing as former times, where the urge to recapture the magic is less...

and otherwise range trips rather boring if done too often, as bullets go where intended with regularity, the only real break getting something new (generally an old friend come to visit again) and heading to range for zero and function test and/or reacqaintance with required hold and trigger control...

a relatively recently acquired 681 with full house 158s has been the "let's get reacqainted" friend of late to pique interest enough to drive to range multiple times, but, soon enough I'll be where I want to be with it, and then what?

Likely further culling of what is here, as "wants" mostly met long ago, while "needs" are ever fewer.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 15, 2008
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I have not lost interest in guns.
But I don't go to a gun show a month like I used to.
I think my interest in guns have just narrowed down to what is better quality.

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