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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Try eating nothing but steak, (any kind of beef or wild game) and lots of eggs. No potato unless its a sweet potato, no pasta or bread, just meat and vegies. If you want a spam sandwich, slap it between 2 or more, pieces of green leaf lettuce, a slice of tomato onion and sliced avocado.
The occasional small portion of long grain wild rice is ok too. Do that religiousely for a week or 2 and I bet you see a loss and feel better.
Cut all sugars out to, that crap kills.
ETA, forgot to mention fish and chicken
Is that the carnivore diet? I thought about trying that, but I live in a house full of carb lovers. But I think I'm gonna try it.

Frankly, I could probably live without most breads, taters and pasta. I'll miss mac n' cheese, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

As for sugar? I can say no to sweets and snacks if it's not in my house but the holidays have ruined me. Hopefully all this crap will be gone soon.

Then I gotta work on my coffee situation. I usually only drink coffee on the weekends, but we have one of those Kerug coffee makers at work and I do have a cup from time to time with cream and sugar. I could go back to drinking it black, but...yuk.
Yes, carnivore diet. And it works. To me there is nothing wrong with 2 cups of coffee a day. No they even say it helps prevent cancer lol. But too much caffein isnt good for blood preasure.
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
ETA, forgot to mention fish and chicken

Yes, carnivore diet. And it works. To me there is nothing wrong with 2 cups of coffee a day. No they even say it helps prevent cancer lol. But too much caffein isnt good for blood preasure.

I rarely, almost never, have more than two cups a day. Some weekdays I don't drink coffee at all. But always on the weekends.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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Then I gotta work on my coffee situation. I usually only drink coffee on the weekends, but we have one of those Kerug coffee makers at work and I do have a cup from time to time with cream and sugar. I could go back to drinking it black, but...yuk.
Ditch the sugar and stick with heavy (whipping) cream. Heavy cream has no sugars in it, it’s just the milk fat, so it’s generally ok on carnivore/keto diets. In a pinch you can substitute real butter, which is just heavy cream that’s been whipped too much. Some people also recommend MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides), which is supposed to be good for you, but I can’t say I’ve ever tried it.

I know some of the guys at work use honey to sweeten their coffee, and I’m told that real maple syrup is a better alternative to sugar, but I never really got into using any sweeteners in my coffee. I normally just drink it black, but I occasionally go through phases where I add heavy cream (or occasionally Kerrygold butter if I don’t have any cream).
Mar 15, 2023
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Hay GED, I have something for you. It will of course sound like I'm joking, or I've lost my mind, but it is real simple and you will lose weight. I don't expect you to do it, but put it in your mind, it's tough. Just quite eating. It works. I hear people say they're going on this diet or that one, and they don't lose weight. Ever see a fat Eithiopion? Of course you have to eat something, but eat as little as you can, you already know what not to eat. Try it for one week, it will get easier. Replace bad behavior with good behavior. When you're thinking about grabbing that donut or the ice cream, get your azz up and walk around the block, just move. People will say it's not healthy, your body will think it's starving, and all kinds of BS, this is an emergency, you gotta get that weight off. Try eating small small meals, then stop, in fifteen minutes you wont feel hungry, you can get by on much less than you think, and start moving. Try it, what have you got to lose, except a bunch of fat that's making you feel like crap. Now, if I could do the same thing with whisky, we could run some marathons.

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