Open Carry OK HB1414

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Special Hen
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
12,500ft AGL
Well it's a good thing there are those willing to tell everyone what is best for them. For one thing, "legalizing" open carry, to me, would simply remove the possibility of being "busted" for printing. Plus, that whole silly 2nd amendment thing us nuts keep raving about.

I'm not telling anyone what to do just sharing some objective observations as someone who has been open enough to see the pros and cons. The pros are stated here plainly and my repeating them would be a waste of time.

Show me a case where someone was criminally prosecuted for printing!


Special Hen
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
12,500ft AGL
so basically what you are telling us is you have no idea what you are talking about. You assume that a guy can just come up and take a gun off of you without even knowing and second that the guy is going to get away. I also don't understand why you throw tactics in there, if it was about tactics everyone would be plotting out their courses to the mail box with a howitzer rolling out in their driveway. Like sky said its about deterence. If people see you carrying they are more likely to stay the f away from you not come up and start grabbing for your gun. My best friend lives in a open carry state and uses it all the time and guess what no one has f'd with him.

If carrying a gun is the entirety of your self defense plan you are a liability to all of us! Asking why I mentioned tactics leads me to ask if you have any training be it civilian, military, or LE?

If you don't think there is a criminal element out there who is NOT deterred by the sight of your gun you are ignorant.

I would encourage anyone carrying a gun open or concealed to get training. A CQT or Advanced Concealed Carry class will really open you mind to the possibilities of what could happen and how carrying a gun is a very small piece of a personal protection plan.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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If carrying a gun is the entirety of your self defense plan you are a liability to all of us! Asking why I mentioned tactics leads me to ask if you have any training be it civilian, military, or LE?

If you don't think there is a criminal element out there who is NOT deterred by the sight of your gun you are ignorant.

I would encourage anyone carrying a gun open or concealed to get training. A CQT or Advanced Concealed Carry class will really open you mind to the possibilities of what could happen and how carrying a gun is a very small piece of a personal protection plan.

Training is good. Unless the trainers are a--holes more intent on feeding off their ego by making the students feel small. But training is tangential to the discussion.

The point is: there are many states that already HAVE open carry (without requiring that folks take a "tactical class" to open carry). And people grabbing guns does NOT seem to be a problem there. To state it would be a problem here is speculatory at best, (unless you think there is something special about Oklahomans that makes them want to grab every gun they see. )


Jan 15, 2007
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A highway near you.
I have a question for all the open carry people. I want to state I encourge the right to self-defense and encourage people that are able to carry to do so. HOWEVER lets say that an open carry type bill passes. How would you as Joe six pack on the street feel if you walk into Wal-Mart and see a typical gang banging thug with his gat strapped on his waist and his hand constantly handling it. Yet the police cant do anything because it would be "profiling" if he is singled out and asked anything. Please discuss. Not trying to start anything here just want some thoughts on this.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Nice to see your ability to argue your point has to resort to name calling.

I never said it was for me to decide. Rights come with responsibilities! If you think I am anti 2A or not a staunch constitutionalist you don't know me.

You offered you opinion about deterrence I offered mine about irresponsibility of open carry without proper training and gear. Guess yours is the only one that counts.

Hello, pot, this is the kettle calling... you're the one who said no one should need to carry openly unless they are compensating for a small penis. THAT is why I called you a name (which I intentionally starred out, for politeness' sake).

If you can't handle being called out for being what you are, maybe you should examine yourself more closely and see why it upsets you.

You're entitled to your opinion, absolutely. I was merely pointing out that your opinion is in direct conflict with our Constitution, so you may want to try to change the Constitution, since your beliefs are more important than that document...


Special Hen
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
12,500ft AGL
Call me whatever you want, doesn't bother me.

If you ever come join us or anyone else during force on force training you'll see why I say open carry without training and proper gear is irresponsible albeit constitutional.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I have a question for all the open carry people. I want to state I encourge the right to self-defense and encourage people that are able to carry to do so. HOWEVER lets say that an open carry type bill passes. How would you as Joe six pack on the street feel if you walk into Wal-Mart and see a typical gang banging thug with his gat strapped on his waist and his hand constantly handling it. Yet the police cant do anything because it would be "profiling" if he is singled out and asked anything. Please discuss. Not trying to start anything here just want some thoughts on this.

Handling your weapon in a non-incidental manner could reasonably be considered brandishing. It could very reasonably be argued that constantly handling your weapon in public would be handling your weapon in a non-incidental manner.


Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
I have a question for all the open carry people. I want to state I encourge the right to self-defense and encourage people that are able to carry to do so. HOWEVER lets say that an open carry type bill passes. How would you as Joe six pack on the street feel if you walk into Wal-Mart and see a typical gang banging thug with his gat strapped on his waist and his hand constantly handling it. Yet the police cant do anything because it would be "profiling" if he is singled out and asked anything. Please discuss. Not trying to start anything here just want some thoughts on this.

Never really thought about like that, a very good point. I have only thought about it as a 2A issue and I'm also lazy, open is easier. I seem to draw flames lately so suit is on.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Sand Springs
Open carry is a BAD IDEA. 99.9% of citizens carrying have no weapons retention training. No f*cking clue how to stop someone from taking their gun. Open carrying gives zero tactical advantage so why would you carry in the open unless you're just compensating for a small penis?!

Having seen some of the POS holster people carry I wonder how secure their firearm would be. Shciat, some of them the gun is damn near about to fall out let alone having any type of retention device.

Sorry but we don't need a bunch of untrained egomaniacal retards running around with a gun in the open and that's exactly what would happen.

let me just say I am not opposed to open carry in any way but I do agree with allot of this... LE has many hours of training on retention and proper gear! and they are also required to "qualify" with whatever they are going to be carrying. I personally may never open carry if it were to pass, but if I did I would seriously look at my gear and make sure that it will not be a possibility for someone else to walk up behind me and attempt to use it against me. Because open carry only lets the serious criminal know now who does have a gun and can then attempt to take it. Even LE has to deal with psycho's that think they can take the gun from trained LE. now the psycho's have untrained people carrying openly. Many of us ccw holders spend lots of time training and doing research so that we stay informed and ready. mostly what I see here (between all the names!) is that tacmedic agrees that most people that get their ccw don't follow through with periodic training and gear research and now they want to legally "brandish" their weapons because its "cool".

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