Osage Nation Naval Oil Reserve

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I believe that Ted no longer own that land the Osage Nation is now the owners and still raise buffalo and cattle on that land for their meat markets they set up during/after Covid. I'm originally from there and still have family around Pawhuska, Wynona, Fairfax, and Hominy, haven't been back in a minute. Spent a lot of time driving back roads all in Osage County. Didn't do much in the oilfield when I was there. But know that area well.
Your correct. Ted Turner bought that land after the Nature Conservancy bought the tall grass prairie to re introduce the black footed ferret to this area in conjunction with the tall grass prairie project. It never developed and I think it was about 8-10 years ago, Turner sold it to the Osage Tribe to be used as you described.
Another interesting tidbit of history that the old highway between Ponca City and Pawhuska ran through Burbank. There was a private zoo in Burbank that had a couple dozen or so animals in it.


Jan 22, 2018
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Your correct. Ted Turner bought that land after the Nature Conservancy bought the tall grass prairie to re introduce the black footed ferret to this area in conjunction with the tall grass prairie project. It never developed and I think it was about 8-10 years ago, Turner sold it to the Osage Tribe to be used as you described.
Another interesting tidbit of history that the old highway between Ponca City and Pawhuska ran through Burbank. There was a private zoo in Burbank that had a couple dozen or so animals in it.
Didn't know that. Must have been before my time.

M Fronkier

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Jul 1, 2024
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Clays Dad Bobby, beat two men to death and carried one of them around in the back of his pickup until a gas station attendant in Burbank noticed the smell, and moved some feed sacks. He spent a couple of years in the pen for for each.

When I was 15 years old, I was a cowboy for the Hadden ranch during round-up.
All of the local ranches shared cowboys during round up and I got paired with Bobby Donaldson for a week on his ranch. Told me to come back and fish his ponds any time I wanted.

One weekend I drove my Honda 50 Motorcycle to his house and knocked on the door. No answer, but he told me to come any time, so I went out to the pond a 1/2 mile behind his house. About 8am, I saw his pickup pull up on the hill behind the pond, and the next thing I saw was a plume of water in the pond, and a boom.

He was shooting at me. Left everything, and got to my bike and got the hell out across the pastures. Had to drag the cycle under the back fence to get out. The guy was a mean drunk and Clay was no better.

Clay was being chased by an OHP when he topped a hill on HWY 18 and did a bat turn and hit the OHP cruiser head on resulting in the officer getting a broken arm if I remember right.

He spent one night in jail. Mom was an Osage Princess. Lots of influence in Osage county.

I heard Bobby got beat into a vegetable on his own place. Saw him a couple of times in the nursing home across the road from where I worked at the time.

Tried to talk to him once, and it was impossible. Who ever did it, did a good job. There are rumors about who did It that I won't repeat.

Clay ended up becoming a minister, and a traveling preacher for awhile, then beat the heck out of his wife enough times that she left him, and he lived in a tepee at little las vegas for a year or so.

About two years ago, he beat his girl friend to death, and then swallowed a 12 gauge. The cycle has been broken.

Oh yeah, I could write a book....or two.
I am his cousin, my father was Richard(Dick) Fronkier. I loved Bobby, he was always telling me I was special because I am a blue eyed Osage/Kaw.. I could see the entire at night. It was a head,not the whole body. His pool at the ranch is were I learned to swim. If you ever got to go inside the house. He had a bar inside that had so many artifacts from the tribe. It was so mysterious to me, I would be allowed to sit in there and listen to my dad and he talk all kinds of stories. I miss those days. My father was his cousin.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I am his cousin, my father was Richard(Dick) Fronkier. I loved Bobby, he was always telling me I was special because I am a blue eyed Osage/Kaw.. I could see the entire at night. It was a head,not the whole body. His pool at the ranch is were I learned to swim. If you ever got to go inside the house. He had a bar inside that had so many artifacts from the tribe. It was so mysterious to me, I would be allowed to sit in there and listen to my dad and he talk all kinds of stories. I miss those days. My father was his cousin.
Interesting. My parents knew some Fronkiers. I’m doing my best to remember some details, but that was a long time ago.

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