Politics, Politicians, the State Legislature and this board.

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Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations

Turns out that oeta is carrying a segment of "The Peoples Business" today at 5pm as well as Wednesday.
This may be one of their subchannels that you can only receive over the air or from Cox cable. It doesn't show up in the my guide(I'm on Dish satellite)

You can call in on their toll free line OR you can email your questions to: [email protected]


Special Hen
Jan 28, 2011
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OKC Metro
I would simply hope that people would recognize that making the kinds of changes in gun law that we all want is not an easy process. If you take the hard line, tough guy attitude that it is "all or nothing" then what you will get is "nothing." You will just alienate those who are on your side and poison the process for all of us.

I don't agree with you. I'm in vehement opposition to that paragraph of your statement. I think it's important for there to be a group of people, a segment of society who will not budge, who will not give in and will not compromise on gun rights. I think there are areas in government where it's important to compromise, but not on this issue. As ridiculous as this may sound to you, I believe there is the real probability that on this issue of gun control if we, those of us who are strongly opposed to any more laws than we already have, give an inch 'they' will demand a mile. Someone needs to hold the line. I believe we have all the laws and all the restrictions we need on the books already, and until we effectively enforce the laws we already have it's senseless, useless and even dangerous to pass more. We're to the point where we're punishing law abiding citizens for the acts of a few criminals while doing nothing effective to curb the acts of a few. More laws is not what we need. What we need is more effective law enforcement.

There are always going to be people who want more laws, more gun control. What I want in my legislator is someone who agrees with me, someone who will not compromise on my gun rights.

Whether or not you were treated poorly on this board is a side issue, a side issue that can and has become a sideshow. But with respect to gun rights I completely agree with whoever chooses to be the biggest terd today or yesterday or whenever as long as they believe that it's up to us to hold the line. Therein we are partners and cohorts.

So, please pass on to your friends in the legislature that there are people out here who want them to stand strong on gun issues and gun rights. And please pass on to them, Republicans and Democrats alike, that when they give up my rights as a gun owner they are giving up my vote in the next election, and not only my vote, but everyone's vote who I have any influence with as well. I think that's the most important message you can take away from this OSA forum.


Special Hen
Jun 14, 2010
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North of the Red River, South of the Cimarron
Considering all the two faced talk and back room deals done in the Oklahoma state legislature, any past or current legislator who tells the voters how good the system works is flat FOS.
Government in this state and in this country belongs to those who can buy the elected officials.
Sometimes it's cheap, sometimes it's expensive.
It all depends on what the issue is.
But ALL elected officials are for sale in this country to the highest bidder.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Considering all the two faced talk and back room deals done in the Oklahoma state legislature, any past or current legislator who tells the voters how good the system works is flat FOS.
Government in this state and in this country belongs to those who can buy the elected officials.
Sometimes it's cheap, sometimes it's expensive.
It all depends on what the issue is.
But ALL elected officials are for sale in this country to the highest bidder.

The only thing I would change is "ALL" to most. And simply stated JDA, when you lie down with dogs, you tend to get fleas. This isn't a single issue opinion, but a broad overview of the service we get vs. what we're taxed, what we're told we can't do vs. what legislators are allowed to do, and the general perception that we'd be better off if the legislature adjourned so we could be spared from their magnificent "leadership". The taxpayers are not the reason this country is in bad shape. It's the politicians, special interests and two party system that are to blame. When someone cries for something they don't deserve or shouldn't have, you don't give it to them!

The State of Oklahoma has some SERIOUS issues, of which open carry is a tiny little speck in comparison. However, the fact that this map shows Oklahoma in the red is a complete embarassment.


It doesn't really matter whether the prohibition is historically based in liberalism, racism or fear of the boogeyman, it's stupid & sensless. It's a no brainer to pass open carry and stop wasting so much time and vitriol over it. We have many important issues that need more focus and attention right now.

Oh, and to the butthurt folks, this is the internets. Vote with your mouse if you don't like the atmosphere here. That you found this thread and posted in it tells me you must like it a little bit on some level! :)


Special Hen
Apr 23, 2010
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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
I guess I don't quite understand what the OP's complaint is. Are you opposed to the idea of not compromising on one's principles, or is your issue with how some of us go about promoting our principles?

I am definitely one of those people who does not believe in compromising when it comes to liberty. The only laws I believe should exist are those which prohibit the initiation of force or fraud against others. If it were up to me, I would end about 99% of the government's activities overnight. However, I realize that there is no way that those with my beliefs will be able to end all tyranny overnight, no matter how we choose to fight it. I believe that the political process is generally one of the most effective ways of fighting tyranny, but that if any positive change is going to be had in this way, it will be slow and gradual. I consider any action which chips away at tyranny to be a good thing. Though I will fight to advance things as far as possible toward my views with each and every law, I realize that the outcome may not always advance liberty nearly as much as I want.

I believe this is how most pro-liberty folks feel. I do not believe that there are very many of us at all who would be against a law which takes a step in the right direction, just because it doesn't go as far as we would like. However, we should never be satisfied with such small measures, and should never rest until we have achieved our ultimate goal of establishing a free society.

When it comes to our state legislators, I respect them to the extent that they promote my liberty. I believe some of them are somewhat supportive of bits and pieces of liberty, and that some of them aren't supporters of much liberty at all. There are almost none who take what I would call a consistent and principled view towards liberty. In fact, there are very few who I believe are guided by any sort of consistent principles whatsoever, whether I agree with them or not -- and the ones who do usually hold principles that I am opposed to. Therefore I do not have a great deal of respect for any state rep. I think that most of them have generally good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with those.

The bottom line is that I will support them any time they act in defense of liberty, but I will always take any opportunity to replace any one of them with someone who I believe better represents my beliefs. And if any of them want my respect and admiration, they will have to earn it.

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