Shooting Sticks

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Feb 2, 2014
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I kinda like him, too. That's why he still has the rifle and sticks. He is about to be 16 and has 3 more deer with his(?) rifle.

So did the boy get a early Christmas Gift of a Rifle and a set of Shooting Sticks or not?? LOL!!!!!

It is hard as hell to say no, isn't it? I have heard people say " wished they had the grandkids first", crap I don't! If I had the grandkids first, I would be living on the street! Hard to tell them no! My own kids, it was easy to say no, as easy as slicing a piece of Chocolate Pie! Haaaaa! But these grandkids is a different story. Glad they don't live with me 24/7!!

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