Sovereign citizen gets killed by police

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I can speak from my experiences only. I've said this before many times... The bad cops worst enemies are the good cops. It's not the guys on the street that are usually the problem. It's the leadership. There are a variety of reasons leadership fails to remove the bad cops, even when they're made aware of them by the good cops.

Bureaucrats and administrators are the real culprits in my experience. When they fail in their responsibilities it does several things: two of the biggies are It emboldens the bad cops and it infuriates and demoralizes the good cops.
This 100% true in the county I live in here in east TX, the PD is pretty decent, but the sheriff and his chief deputy are nothing but thugs and should’ve been sent to prison years ago. No one really wants the job, so the thugs just keep getting reelected.


Special Hen
Jun 7, 2021
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Pittsburgh, PA
The issue I see over and over especially when it comes to police interactions that have "gone bad" is the argument that inevitably ensues. Bottom line is if you're pulled over, do what the cop asks and you won't have a problem. Right or wrong doesn't matter at that point especially if they or you have a body cam. It'll get sorted out in court if needs be. If you want to argue you're going to lose. If you decide to get violent, you're going to lose... eventually. If you comply and are justified in your opinion, you get to sue and possibly not only get an apology but maybe a settlement.

I have a couple black friends who is constantly on the "you don't know what it's like" train. When I asked him for specific examples he said "I'm far more likely to have a bad outcome when I start arguing with the officer during a traffic stop". My first question is, of course, why would you argue? At the end of the day, it's an issue of pride and self righteousness... possibly on both ends.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
I don’t think that went like the sovereign citizen thought it would.
Without LAWS, THAT ARE ENFORCED, no one could live in this, or any society! Granting human beings the POWER required to enfore laws, is risky business, and must be CLOSELY MONITORED! What other alternative is there? In this particular case, it's completely obvious to me, the cop was jsut doing what we pay him to do, enforce the law!! The dead guy got what he ask for!! We have COURTS that are provided to settle argument like this, without anyone dying!


Special Hen
Mar 23, 2022
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 1, 2020
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Stonewall, Ok
On March 1, a 25-year-old man named Chase Allan was shot and killed by police officers during a traffic stop in a Utah suburb. On Wednesday, bodycam footage was released that shows the leadup to the officers opening fire on Allan’s car.

Allan was pulled over in his BMW by police in Farmington, a Salt Lake City suburb,around 3:20 pm after an officer spotted his illegal license plate.

Chase Allan, 25
After pulling Allan over, an officer walked up to the vehicle and tapped on the driver-side window. Allan, who was holding a cell phone, cracked the window open.

The officer told Allan, “The reason you were stopped today is there is no registration on your vehicle.”

“I don’t need registration, and I don’t answer questions,” Allan respon
The officer, realizing that this would be a difficult situation, said, “Alright,” and then called for backup. He then tried to obtain identification from Allan, who again refused to cooperate.

The officer informed Allan that he was “detained and not free to leave” and calmly offered to discuss with Allan the laws he was violating after obtaining documents of identification.

Allan tried to make an argument for why he did not legally have to hand over identification, to which the officer replied, “I understand what you are saying. And what I’m telling you is that you do not have an option to identify yourself. You are lawfully required to identify yourself.”

“The direction that this encounter goes is 100% in your hands,” the officer warned Allan. “Do you want to identify yourself to me, or do you want to go a different route?”

Allan reluctantly yielded to the officer’s demands, handing his passport over to the officer but then insinuating that the passport was fraudulent.

At this point, assisting officer arrived at the scene, and the first officer asked Allan to step out of the vehicle.

Allan warns the officers that they will “have an issue” if they continue to try and force him from his car. As Allan moves his phone from his right hand to his left, officers notice a holster on the hip of the 25-year-old.

As the officers try to physically remove Allan from his vehicle, Allan reaches for his gun, at which point an officer is heard yelling “gun!” repeatedly, at which point the five responding officers open fire on the vehicle.


After they remove Allan from the car, a gun is seen lying on the floor of the car by the front seat.

Allan was taken to the hospital and later pronounced dead.
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