Syria mess, how far do we go.?

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Oct 27, 2012
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I do not claim to know enough about middle east situations to post intelligently, but I will say this...

God Bless and keep our military personel in harms way all over the world!!!

That's about the best thing we can do, they don't ask us what we think or care about us but every two and four years.


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Jan 12, 2007
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It will end up like Afghanistan when we backed the rebels against the Russians. The rebels we backed came back to bite us in the ass.

Are you saying that those who fail to know and understand history are doomed to repeat it? Next you'll probably be spouting heresy like water is wet and gravity makes things fall! :screwy:


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I, too, shall speak to the situation:

First off, we didn't start any wars in the Middle East. Sodamn Hinsane overran an ally and the Taliban harbored Al Qaeda who attacked us. We simply engaged the enemy where he lived in order to prevent further death and destruction over here. That would include protecting your daughters' right to live freely and drive and go to college rather than be sex slaves with their genitals cut off by radical Muslims.

Being Al Qaeda's air force would be wrong if it were true.

Since when is gassing your own people - directly or indirectly - a Western value? How about dictatorship, despotism and tyranny?

Equating the mass murder of our children by abortion to what we spend in efforts to protect our country is a non sequitur. If what we spend to use force for our protection took funds away from ending abortion, you'd have a valid point.

Two things we can agree on, however, is the lack of security on our borders (which is now being addressed and rectified), and the fact that nothing can justify the killing of the millions of our unborn youth to date and likely in the future.


- Kuwait produces a lot of terrorists and they were stealing Saddam's oil. Saddam wasn't a muslim fundamentalists, Kuwait is/was. Saddam allowed more "western values" than Kuwait.

- Saddam & the Taliban really had nothing in common and radical muslims in Iraq hated him. Lumping them in together is just a tactic like when the Bush administration tried to link Saddam to 9/11. I supported the Afghan war so that's not really an issue in this discussion.

- Gassing your own people was used to justify the Iraq wars and now they are trying to use the same excuse

- Bombing a secular gov't who allows more western values and is at war with radical Islam is essentially being Al Queda's air force. When Obama tried to do it in 2013 all the conservatives were against it. Now all of the sudden, its' okay if Trump does it. Double standard

- And finally I would ask for 3 number figures. 1.) How many Americans are you willing to lose to support your position? 2.) How many tax dollars are you willing to spend to support your position? 3.) How many other Syrian civilians are you willing to die to support your position (essentially if 40 died in this gassing, how many will die as a result of our escalation?)

Washington warned us about foreign entanglements...WWII was on such a scale of genocide, and we were also attacked that justified action. But I ask you, how many other miscellaneous wrongs are you willing to right around the world? We'd be bombing almost every country if we were not selectively picking wrongs and conveniently ignoring others. There si a genocide going on right now in Sudan. THOUSANDS of Christians have been slaughtered. Same thing in Lybia and Syria. Why have we armed the radical muslims in Syria and Lybia (who then use those weapons against moderates like Assad) and ignored the other tragedy in Sudan? You are practicing selective moral outrage which is typically a tactic of the left...Are you doing it because you care about the gassing or just to support Trump at all costs? That is a serious question, not mocking...all of what I've said is meant to encourage thought and debate and not to be an was this type of conversation that made me wake up and think about it more...once I figured out how we support radical Islam, that's all I needed to know...Saddam, Qaddafi & Assad can destroy all the jihadis they like in my opinion. Why do republican hardliners seem to love Saudis and radical muslims so much?


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Jan 12, 2007
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Bombing a secular gov't who allows more western values and is at war with radical Islam is essentially being Al Queda's air force. When Obama tried to do it in 2013 all the conservatives were against it. Now all of the sudden, its' okay if Trump does it. Double standard

I'd just like to point out that several of the neocons supported this policy even when Obama did it. McCain went so far as to go meet with radical Islamic terrorists in Syria to facilitate arming them. In this case Trump got played by the neocons, who are still working the deep state machine to their advantage. :(


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I'd just like to point out that several of the neocons supported this policy even when Obama did it. McCain went so far as to go meet with radical Islamic terrorists in Syria to facilitate arming them. In this case Trump got played by the neocons, who are still working the deep state machine to their advantage. :(

Yeah you are exactly right; I should clarify I meant the Trump conservatives...necons are not "really" conservatives in my book. Too bad Trump has surrounded himself with them like Bolton and power-trippin' war monger Niki Hailey (who will of course not be on the front lines if she sends our kids to die for muslims).


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Jan 12, 2007
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Yeah you are exactly right; I should clarify I meant the Trump conservatives...necons are not "really" conservatives in my book. Too bad Trump has surrounded himself with them like Bolton and power-trippin' war monger Niki Hailey (who will of course not be on the front lines if she sends our kids to die for muslims).

Yeah, they're still out there pulling strings. A LOT of them are bailing on the mid-terms because they can see the writing on the wall and don't want to be the next one to get Cantor'd, but that doesn't mean they're no longer a threat. :(

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