Let's clear something up. All "laws" of science, are theories. The "Law" of gravity, is a theory that just hasn't been proven wrong yet.
That said, you do a great disservice to science, when you penalize someone for researching theories that don't correlate to your own. It's just like the Catholic church in the dark ages, "If you don't admit the earth is the center of the universe, you are a heretic." Now it's "If you don't admit that people didn't live alongside dinosaurs, you are a heretic." It needs to stop from both sides. We need to encourage academic freedom.
I get what you(whoever it was that referred to ID, I can't remember) are saying but until someone can tell me exactly how the universe began I refuse to pigeon hole "intelligent design" as any more ludicrous than man coming from an ape. There are plenty of questions that can and should be raised about evolution. Science is supposed to be a free thinking Mecca but when it comes to questioning evolution it's anything but.
For the record, I'm about as agnostic as it gets. I have no clue presently about the afterlife and won't until I take my last breath.
These!!!! Science has gone from looking for real answers to just another religion and they do not want it questioned. I have even seen GW believers wanting non-believers jailed or killed, which sounds a whole lot like bad old time religion.
Ask questions, research, debate, discuss, then research some more. That is real science.