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Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Blanchard, America
I don't feel ashamed , but I expect excellent service in exchange for my gratuity. If the service is sub par then not getting a tip is a reminder you need to work on providing better service .

I got no problem with that. It's the Mr. Pink's of the world I have an issue with. If the service is horrendous, I won't leave a tip either (I get the 1 or 2 cent thing, and I might start doing that, maybe) regardless of the ticket.

If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't be eating out.

I knew a guy in college that paid his way thru college working at a pretty high end restaurant in Tulsa. It was incredibly competitive to even get hired on, and if I remember correctly they didn't draw a wage. They worked for tips alone. I didn't work there so I'm pretty short on details, but that's what he claimed. He said they had waiters that had been there for a long time that did pretty well for themselves. He also claimed if you couldn't cut it, you didn't last long, and he was incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to work there. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the place, but it's been 40 or so years.

Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Yes, they know what the job paid when they took it.

They also know part of the pay structure is tips.

You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

I carry a gun for a living and put myself in harm's way for ungrateful people day in/day out. I don't get any tips from anybody. But, I chose this career. After 34 years of totin' a gun and badge, I must enjoy it.

All I can say is if a person relies on tips to make a living, they should probably find another job. Unless they just enjoy that type of work environment. I don't see how. I worked in a convenience store when I was younger. People get so bent outta shape when you mess with their food and money.

There are better paying jobs out there than waiting tables. And I shouldn't have to pay outlandish prices for a meal and their salary too.

Everyone says to me, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary!" Guess what Karen...I'm a taxpayer too. I pay my own salary!


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
I've never been to Europe but it's my understanding that you do not tip there. Servers, waitstaff, are well paid enough, and it's also my understanding that it can be an insult to tip, ugly Americanisms or something like that.

I'm a Ham Radio guy. Most ham radio operators are a bunch of cheap bastards.

I used to go out to morning coffee or other informal gatherings and I got so disgusted the old bastards wouldn't tip. Pissed me off.

They'll sit there for hours, running that poor waitress back and forth for coffee and water refills, just shooting the breeze, tying up the table so it can't be turned and make some money for the business and staff.

When the check comes you can see the cheap old bastards squirm. All I hear is "Oh I'm on a fixed income" and maybe leave a single one dollar bill on the table. I got news for you bastard, most people, of all ages, are on a "fixed income". If you are on salary, or hourly with only so many hours per week, you are on a "fixed income". The only ones not on a "fixed income" are people on commission or who get paid for what they do and how much they do of it.

Anyway, having said that, more than once I've seen the squirming start, nobody wants to get up and leave a ****** tip, waiting for others to do so.

More than once, actually more than you'd think, is for someone to not only not leave a tip, but I've seen these butt-heads stall and wait til everybody else has got up and left, and then butt-head reaches over and grabs the tips on the table.

That's not just thievery, it's out right criminal to run the waitstaff back and forth for no compensation. Don't be a dick!!!

I vivdly recall once as I was leaving the table and walking away I turned back to look and saw this happen, it was right in front of others view!!! What the gall to do some ****** thing like that! I out loud confronted the SOB and told him to put the flippin money back on the table and shame shame shame! Pissed me off.

I no longer go out for morning coffee with these assholes, I am very selective with whom I will sit down with because I know good tips will be left.

As my old friend says "If you want to dance you have to pay the band" and the same is true for eating out. If you are too cheap, or too broke-ass to pay (tip) for what you owe, STAY THE **** HOME!!! And I don;t want to hear this crap about :oh gee I'm on a fixed income, and who can afford these prices?" STF home in your kitchen!!!!
I thought the point of HAM radio groups was so you didn’t have to hang out in person.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Blanchard, America
I carry a gun for a living and put myself in harm's way for ungrateful people day in/day out. I don't get any tips from anybody. But, I chose this career. After 34 years of totin' a gun and badge, I must enjoy it.

All I can say is if a person relies on tips to make a living, they should probably find another job. Unless they just enjoy that type of work environment. I don't see how. I worked in a convenience store when I was younger. People get so bent outta shape when you mess with their food and money.

There are better paying jobs out there than waiting tables. And I shouldn't have to pay outlandish prices for a meal and their salary too.

Everyone says to me, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary!" Guess what Karen...I'm a taxpayer too. I pay my own salary!

Right. ****ty tippers always have excuses. Always have. Always will.

I've known a bunch. They don't ever change. I like going out and having someone wait on me at a nice restaurant. If every waitress quit their job because they had to depend on tips, there wouldn't be any waitresses. Not a world I want to live in.

You do you. I'll continue to tip well, and have waitresses know me as that guy that gave them a $5 or $10 tip on a $15 ticket, and I'll continue to get great service when I go back. I'll also feel comfortable knowing that my food won't get spit in when at restaurants I frequent.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I carry a gun for a living and put myself in harm's way for ungrateful people day in/day out. I don't get any tips from anybody. But, I chose this career. After 34 years of totin' a gun and badge, I must enjoy it.

All I can say is if a person relies on tips to make a living, they should probably find another job. Unless they just enjoy that type of work environment. I don't see how. I worked in a convenience store when I was younger. People get so bent outta shape when you mess with their food and money.

There are better paying jobs out there than waiting tables. And I shouldn't have to pay outlandish prices for a meal and their salary too.

Everyone says to me, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary!" Guess what Karen...I'm a taxpayer too. I pay my own salary!
I was at a restaurant not long ago and 4 OKC PD officers came in. I told the waitress to bring me their tab when they were done. They all came over and shook my hand and thanked me when leaving.


Special Hen
Jan 12, 2017
Reaction score
Tuttle, OK
I carry a gun for a living and put myself in harm's way for ungrateful people day in/day out. I don't get any tips from anybody. But, I chose this career. After 34 years of totin' a gun and badge, I must enjoy it.

All I can say is if a person relies on tips to make a living, they should probably find another job. Unless they just enjoy that type of work environment. I don't see how. I worked in a convenience store when I was younger. People get so bent outta shape when you mess with their food and money.

There are better paying jobs out there than waiting tables. And I shouldn't have to pay outlandish prices for a meal and their salary too.

Everyone says to me, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary!" Guess what Karen...I'm a taxpayer too. I pay my own salary!
Ever think it might be their 2nd or 3rd job and about one of the only part time occupations with flexible enough hours to support some folks?

I was at a restaurant not long ago and 4 OKC PD officers came in. I told the waitress to bring me their tab when they were done. They all came over and shook my hand and thanked me when leaving.
I tried to do that for 2 officers at The Lokal in Mustang not too long ago - someone had already beat me to it. Bet nobody offers to buy their waiter/waitresses dinner.

Two Gun Warrior

Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
Reaction score
Wilburton, Ok.
I normally tip 15%, if the service is really bad I will leave a quarter (2 bit service). If the service is above average I leave a really good tip and make a point to tell them or the manager about it. I the food is bad the manage will hear about it. If the food is exceptional I find a way to tip the cook.


Special Hen
Jan 21, 2020
Reaction score
A friend of mine ordered a bunch of these and hands them out with his cash tips…

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