Trump for Pres?

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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So, your argument is to fall back on personal attacks?

I haven't made any personal attacks in this thread. If anything, you have.

This thread is depressing. I would like to encourage you guys to never vote for a candidate unless there's a 95% probability that he'll make all of your dreams come true and the sooner the better.

I don't expect that.

I just expect crazy things, like keeping religion and government separate, no "controlling" guns, no "protecting family values" by making supporting ridiculous anti-queer laws, no violations of liberties with cute titles like the "Patriot Act", and quit shoving our military in every third world hell hole we can name a few.

But apparently, since I didn't have a McCain or Obama bumper sticker in '08...I'm part of the problem.

You know how most people here couldn't imagine voting for Obama? (I'm guessing the very people arguing with me in this thread.) That's how I felt about both candidates. Telling me I should have voted for one of them is like telling you all you "if you didn't vote for Obama, you're part of the problem."

Further evidence is the same people give the same tired line to people that DO vote. "If you support a third party (in places you can actually do that), you're voting for the worst candidate of the other two." BS. You're voting for your principles, not taking instructions from somebodies sig line on a gun forum.

But I'm sure me not voting for McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden is "the problem with this country". Sure of it. You can't blame me for that one, because I couldn't even distinguish the lesser of those evils. Is there a class I can take to learn that?


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
I haven't made any personal attacks in this thread. If anything, you have.

I don't expect that.

I just expect crazy things, like keeping religion and government separate, no "controlling" guns, no "protecting family values" by making supporting ridiculous anti-queer laws, no violations of liberties with cute titles like the "Patriot Act", and quit shoving our military in every third world hell hole we can name a few.

But apparently, since I didn't have a McCain or Obama bumper sticker in '08...I'm part of the problem.

You know how most people here couldn't imagine voting for Obama? (I'm guessing the very people arguing with me in this thread.) That's how I felt about both candidates. Telling me I should have voted for one of them is like telling you all you "if you didn't vote for Obama, you're part of the problem."

Further evidence is the same people give the same tired line to people that DO vote. "If you support a third party (in places you can actually do that), you're voting for the worst candidate of the other two." BS. You're voting for your principles, not taking instructions from somebodies sig line on a gun forum.

But I'm sure me not voting for McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden is "the problem with this country". Sure of it. You can't blame me for that one, because I couldn't even distinguish the lesser of those evils. Is there a class I can take to learn that?

There is one thing I would like people to do. Vote (or not) their conscience and hope for the best.
Things are not black and white IMO. We have two parties that differ in a few areas and are identical in other areas. During the campaign they pick a few talking points out of the many and tell us what they will do. What we want is not considered, just what their talking points include.
We will generally vote for the guy that can afford the most expensive campaign, which means that raising money is extremely important. That money has strings attached and we end up the way we are, with big money (including foreign money) controlling our government.
Can that change? I think that unless we force them to make bribes (I meant to say contributions) illegal, we cannot even start to fix things.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
I think our government would function better if we DID have a parlimentary system.
But o course id be agin the constitution. Our government is designed to ensure endless
Stasis. We're proud of it too.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Don't let my willingness to argue on the internet give you any misgivings about my complete and total apathy.

So you said that word. I'm betting that you're one of those people who walks stealthily into the polling place in his Groucho Marx Disguise. Fake mustache and eyebrows, like the Baptist preacher at the liqour store.
Your secret is safe with me.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
This whole thread has morphed from Trump for prez to "why did you vote the way you did, and you all are stupid for voting at all"

Lets get back to the OP.

I listened to Trump the other day on Hannity, and he was asked up front why he contributed money to Chicago elections, both dem and rep. It was a back door answer, like most wannabe politicians than never gives an answer.
He said that he is a businessman and has to acclimate to the political area, as a developer to make sure he has a shot at the job.

That told me that he is nothing more than a main line politician that will waft with the winds to assure they get a vote at election time.

So, how do we vote? They are all the same?


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score

IIRC, Fallin spent more in the two weeks leading up to the primary than Brogdon raised during the entire campaign, yet Brogdon was able to get nearly 40% of the vote. I talked to 20 or so people in my area (<400 total voters in the GOP primary) shortly after the primary who did not know who Brogdon was and thought he was a field-filler. After being informed of his positions and record, most of those people told me if they had known they would've rather voted for him.

On the national note, look at Ron Paul. His grassroots supporters sure do raise a lot of money and gain a lot of exposure for him. But he'll never have the support of the Republican Party because he is against so many of the evils they are for.

One of these days, I'll get around to changing my registration to where it should be: "I". That "R" in my wallet seems like a conflict of principle to me, and besides, doesn't an "I" look like an "l" to you, too?

The only thing is that when independent thinkers flee the republican party, there is no chance for someone like brogdon. I'd like to be registered "I" but I don't want to give up my primary vote to lean the republican party to libertarian principles.

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