Virginia Hands Out 6996 Traffic Tickets In One Weekend

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Traffic enforcement should be a combination of targeting areas due to accident rates and random patrols. Traffic enforcement should take into consideration road and traffic conditions, severity of the infraction and the violation history of the motorist.

There are many things in life that you CAN do because something or someone says you can. That doesn't mean that a thing SHOULD be done, just because it can. Traffic enforcement is one of those things. You can cause far more damage to an agency's reputation than a handfull of traffic citations is worth with misapplied traffic enforcement. :(


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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That is my point. I think texting while driving can be really dangerous, but just like dialing while driving, most of us here have done it. That is not an excuse though, by any means. But pulling people over should be a matter of safety and not revenue, that is completely out of line. Basically it has become a tax, you may get snagged, you might not. To those that say they don't speed and won't get caught up in it- do you use your signal EVERY time you change lanes? what if the road is empty? have you ever had a tag or taillight go out? you can get caught at any moment, it doesn't take much these days.

I got popped for running a stop sign a few years ago. I didn't run it, I stopped short and took off quickly, but I came to a complete stop. Problem was, the corner had a tow-truck company, and the trucks blocked the cops view. The judge said I couldn't prove the trucks were there at the time the stop was made, and the rookie cop wouldn't admit they were there, even though I had pictures. pissed me off.

Mos Eisley

Special Hen
Apr 14, 2009
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Kansas City, MO
Arizona and Kansas have the Red Light Camera Ticketing things and I was popped in Arizona in a rental car and my wife got one in Kansas. Neither of us run red lights as a rule. I know the dang thing went off on someone else because I remember it. My wife said the same thing. Those things are not accurate. When they send you the picture it is just a pic of your car and you. They don't show the condition of the light or where you were in the intersection. Wife fought hers in court and they threw it out.


Special Hen
Sep 16, 2010
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You will never get anywhere with DPS or the courts. If you really have documentation of all this, Write it all up and contact your state legislator and ask them to conduct a formal inquiry. Ask that it be reversed and your record expunged of everything except the citation and fine, which you already paid.

If you're not willing to go to the trouble, enjoy your screwing. They keep doing it because people don't fight them. :(

So are you saying to fight DPS on the suspended license too? The way it was explained to me, a plea of guilty or no contest to the violation i recieved the citation for leads to automatic suspension. So the only thing i could fight here would be the driving under suspension for the lack of notification (tho i doubt it will get anywhere).

I just figured i would be best served by trying to reason with the judge (i know, i know, silly me). Most of them are reasonable understanding adults tho right? And its not like i was trying to get out of paying anything last year when i got the ticket, I paid promptly at the courthouse and fixed the issue asap. I just had no idea about the suspension thing.

BTW Glocktogo are you a LEO?


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Arizona and Kansas have the Red Light Camera Ticketing things and I was popped in Arizona in a rental car and my wife got one in Kansas. Neither of us run red lights as a rule. I know the dang thing went off on someone else because I remember it. My wife said the same thing. Those things are not accurate. When they send you the picture it is just a pic of your car and you. They don't show the condition of the light or where you were in the intersection. Wife fought hers in court and they threw it out.

There are a lot of people that put a mask or paper bag over their head when they pass though known red-light cams. There was a guy in the UK that racked up like 500 tickets, but they couldn't prove it was him since they couldn't see his face.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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So are you saying to fight DPS on the suspended license too? The way it was explained to me, a plea of guilty or no contest to the violation i recieved the citation for leads to automatic suspension. So the only thing i could fight here would be the driving under suspension for the lack of notification (tho i doubt it will get anywhere).

I just figured i would be best served by trying to reason with the judge (i know, i know, silly me). Most of them are reasonable understanding adults tho right? And its not like i was trying to get out of paying anything last year when i got the ticket, I paid promptly at the courthouse and fixed the issue asap. I just had no idea about the suspension thing.

BTW Glocktogo are you a LEO?

Were you notified in writing anywhere on the citation, court papers or any other notification method of the automatic suspension? Did they send the notification to the wrong address because you failed to update them on change of address, or did they just screw it up? Is that notification required by law? What are the extra fees and fines associated with not resolving the suspension when you were originally supposed to be notified?

Also, how were you supposed to know the original citation carried an automatic suspension? If you had known, would you have fought the ticket or retained counsel? Did they meet the required standard for full disclosure of the penalties involved?

What I'm saying is that IF they made a procedural error, you may be able to get some or all of the charges involved dropped or overturned. The point is, you will not know just by expecting them to tell you. That didn't exactly work out so well the first time huh? You never know what your rights are until you either force them to tell you, or better yet, you go find out for yourself.

If you're faced with hundreds of dollars worth of fines and penalties and possibly another court appearance, you might be best served at this point retaining counsel. They will be able to more quickly and efficiently navigate the legal waters now that they're trying to hose you.

I'm a reserve LEO, so my "legal advice" shouldn't be construed as such. More of a friendly suggestion. The system is designed to take advantage of those that do not know their rights. Often it's made intentionally obscure so that you get frustrated and just pay them off, rather than seek out your rights. After all, we need to keep the machine well oiled and running efficiently, without interference from you pesky citizens, right? :(


Special Hen
Sep 16, 2010
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Yeah man to be honest, i'm a little naive when it comes to alot of the law-politico crap. i try to stay inside the law, accept when i screw up and handle the consequences. I have only had a handful of tickets, most of which from when i was young. So i didn't bother learning all the in's and out's of traffic law proceedings. If i got a ticket, I paid it and went about my business.

They would probably have alot easier time getting people to pay if it was that simple.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Yeah man to be honest, i'm a little naive when it comes to alot of the law-politico crap. i try to stay inside the law, accept when i screw up and handle the consequences. I have only had a handful of tickets, most of which from when i was young. So i didn't bother learning all the in's and out's of traffic law proceedings. If i got a ticket, I paid it and went about my business. They would probably have alot easier time getting people to pay if it was that simple.

That's exactly what they're counting on too! :(
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